Happy Day

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[Jungkook's POV]

"BTW I bought ice cream for you" I said happily.
"Jinja?!" She said shookly and super happily.
"Yup" I said happily.
"Yey!" She said happily and broke the hug. She ran to the grocery bags and try to find ice cream.
"Thank you for buying my three favourite flavors!!!" She thanked me with a smile in her face. I smirked at her. She gently placed the ice creams in the table and ran to me ans hugged me. I hugged her back. She broke the hug and ran to the ice cream. She placed the ice cream in a cup.
"Want some?" She asked me happily.
"No, its okay" I said happily.
"Please" she begged with her puppy eyes.
"Fine" I said happily.
"Yey" she cheered.
"I will take this chocolate" I said happily.
"Sure" She said happily. We ate happily and we kept on talking. After 5 minutes we were done eating ice cream.
"Jungkook" She said shyly.
"Yes?" I asked happily.
"Can we visit Jennie?" She asked politely.
"Sure" I said politely. Lisa got her purse and we went to the car.
"Where is her house?" I asked curiously.
"Umm...just go forward and if u see a white big house, thats hers" She said normally.
"Okay" I said politely. After 5 minutes, we were here,in a big white house.
"Shall we go?" I asked politely.
"Ne" She said and we walked in the door. Lisa press the doorbell.

Jennie answered the door.

"Hey!" Jennie said happily.
"Jennie!" Lisa said happily and hugged Jennie.
"Hi Jungkook" Jennie said shyly.
"Come in" Jennie said and we walked inside. Its was so big and beautiful.
"Wow, your house is big!" Lisa complimented.
"Thanks" Jennie thanked Lisa.
"Lets sit in the couch" Jennie said and we did what she told us to do.
"So, are u two dating now?" Jennoe asked happily.
"No" We said in chorus.
"Ohh, okie" Jennie said and went closer to me.
"I'll get some water" Lisa said happily.
"Sure its in the fridge" Jennie said with a smirk.


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