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I woke up and saw Taehyung sitting next to me.
"Hey" Taehyung greeted happily.
"Hi" I said with a sleepy voice.
"Do u wanna go home now?" Taehyung asked politely.
"Yeah, thanks" I said a nd got up in the bed and went to the bathroom. I washed my face. I took out my hospital wearing and went out with Taehyung. We went to the counter and told the nurse that I will be discharged. After we were done, we went to Taehyung's car and drove silently. After 10 minutes, we arrived to my house. I got out of his car.
"Thank you so much Taehyung" I thanked him and hugged him. He hugged back.
"Your welcome, remember, I'm always here for you" he said politely. We broke the hug and he drove to his house. I went inside a saw Jungkook sitting on the couch. He saw me and ran to me.
"Lisa!" He said and hugged me. I didn't hugged him back. I let him hug me but I didn't hug back.
"Where have you been?" He asked and broke the hug.
"I don't wanna talk about this" I said and went upstairs to my room. I jumped to my bed and I had a 1 message.

Hey, u okay? Why did you ran away?


I closed my phone and sigh. I went outside my room and didn't saw Jungkook. I checked his room(BTW he's staying in my parents room, because my parents are still in their Buissiness)and he was talking with someone on the phone. I eavesdrop.
"Hey Jennie" Jungkook said worriedly. I slowly closed the door and went downstairs and got cereals. I went to the couch and opened the TV. After 2 minutes, Jungkook came out of his room. He went down and sat next to me in the couch.
"Where have you been?" He asked worriedly. I got up from my seat and walked to the kitchen. I placed my cereal in the table and went upstairs. I left Jungkook sitting down. After 2 minutes, Someone texted. I checked.

Hey, wanna hangout?




I got up my bed and picked my clothing. I weared a pink dress, pink doll shoes, pink ribbon headband. I got my purse and went out my room. I saw Jungkook still sitting down the couch. I went down and didn't notice him. When I was walking, suddenly, Jungkook grabbed my arm.
"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked worriedly.
"I'm hanging out with someone" I said normally with a little angry ness.
"Who?" He asked curiously.
"Jimin" I said normally. Jungkook tightents his grip to my arm.
"Ouch!" I said with a little tears". He tightents more. I pushed him until he fell in the couch. I ran fast to not let him see my tears. I went out and ran and still crying. I ran to Jimin's house and still had tears. Jimin answered the door even I didn't ring his doorbell. He hugged me softly.
"Lisa, are you okay?" He asked with a soft voice. I hugged him tight. I cried to his chest and he lead me to his house. He let me sit in his couch.
"Stay there, I'm going to get water" he said and went to the kitchen. After 1 minute, he came with 2 waters.
"Here" he hand me the water.
"T-thank you" I said softly.
"Don't cry" he said and wiped my tears away. I held his hand and smiled a little. He smiled back.
"Did Jungkook did this to you?" He said in a serious tone.
"N-no" I stuttered.
"Lisa" he said in a serious tone.
"He didn't" I said and looked down.
"Then why are you crying then?" He said in a soft voice and bend down. His finger trace to my chin to look up. I look up to him and saw his worried face.
"I-I j-just miss my p-parents" I stuttered.
"Ohh..." He said in a soft voice.
"Don't worry, they will come back" he said softly. I hugged him. After 1 minute, someone called in my phone. I broke the hug.
It's my mom.

I answered my phone.

"Hey baby girl" Mom said in a happy voice.
"Hi Mom" I said in a little happy way.
"I'm so sorry, I will go back there in 3 years" Mom said.
"What?!" I shouted.
"I'm so sorry, please take care there, is Jungkook taking care of you?" She asked worriedly.
"Y-yes" I stuttered.
"Okay, bye now" she end the call. I started to cry.
"Don't worry, you can see her in 3 years" he said in a little happy tone.
"I'm always here for you" he said and I smiled a little.
"Thank you" I said in a soft voice. Suddenly there is a call.

I ended the call.
"Why didn't you answer it?" He asked confusely.
"I'm not in the mood" I said in a sad voice.
"I think I'm not in the mood to hang out" I said in a sad voice.
"It's okay, maybe sometime" he said in a calm voice.
"Yeah" I said and went out from his house. I walked to my house. After 5 minutes, I arrived to my house. I went inside and didn't see Jungkook. I went up to check him. I saw his talking in his phone again. I eavesdrop.
"I love you" He said lovely. I slowly closed the door and went to my room. After 1 hour, I have 2 messages. It's from Jimin and Jungkook. I checked the message of Jimin first.

Wanna hangout on Friday night, I'll pick you up in 6:00.


I checked Jungkook's message.

Wanna hangout on Friday night, I'll pick you up in 6:00.


I was shooked because they had the same message. Who would I choose?


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