Heart Broken

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[Lisa's POV]
When I was done drinking water, I went to the living room and suddenly saw them holding hands and cuddling in the couch. My heart broke into a million pieces. I don't know why I have this feeling. I went back to the kitchen and cried. I can't handle to go back in there to see them. I got a knife and went to the bathroom. I locked the bathroom. I cut 1 strip of skin in my wrist with the knife. I saw blood flowing down my wrist. I did another strip of cutting. Until I get 3 strips and a lot of blood came out. I didn't feel anything. When I was done I washed the knife and unlocked the door, I went out and washed my blood. I didn't feel a thing. I put the knife back to the shelf. When I check in the living room, they were just talking, so I ran to the door and ran far far away. I saw Jungkook standing in the door. After like 1 minute I didn't see him because I ran so fast. I didn't know where I am. I saw a park and I went inside the park. I walked silently with my hood on. When I was walking I accidentally bumped someone. I fell down.
"Ohh...I'm so sorry" the person who I accidentally bumped said.
"Lisa?" He/She said confusely.
"How did he know my name?" I said in my mind, BTW I said "he" because his voice is a boy. I got up and looked down.
"Lisa? Is that you?" He asked again. I looked up and it's Taehyung.
"Lisa!" He said happily.
"Hey" I said sadly. Suddenly I fainted and fell into his arms.
"Lisa!" I heard Taehyung shouted. After 1 hour I woke up. I woke up in a bed. I saw Taehyung next to me.
"Where am I?" I said confusely.
"Lisa!" Taehyung said and hugged me. I hugged him back.
"Your in the hospital" Taehyung said and broke the hug.
"Why am I here?" I asked confusely.
"U fainted into my arms when we were in the park" Taehyung said worriedly.
"I don't wanna be here" I said a got up the bed, suddenly Taehyung grabbed my shoulder.
"Stay, you rest" Taehyung said sweetly. I calmed myself and laid down.
"I'll call Jungkook" Taehyung said worriedly.
"No!" I shouted.
"Wae?" He asked confusely.
"Just, please don't" I said sadly.
"Okay, fine" he said calmly. The doctor came in.
"Hello, are you feeling okay miss?" She asked politely.
"Ne" I said calmly.
"U fainted because you had lost a lot of blood" She said calmly.
"Someone must donate blood for you" She said politely.
"I will" Taehyung said politely.
"Besides, we have the same blood type" Taehyung said sweetly.
"Are you sure Mr.? The doctor ask curiously.
"I'm sure" Tashyung said politely.
"I'll do it for her" Taehyung said politely.
"Thank you so much Taehyung" I said with a little smile.
"Follow me sir" The doctor said normally. Taehyung and the doctor went out. I looked at my wrist and there are bandages. I'm so thankful that I'm here with Taehyung. After 5 minutes, the doctor and Taehyung went inside.
"Excuse me" The doctor said and put a injection and inject me blood.
"Thank you" The doctor thanked and went outside.
"U okay?" Taehyung asked curiously.
"Yeah" I said sadly.
"Why do u have scars?" Taehyung asked me worriedly.
"Ohh...it's nothing, it's just an accident" I said sadly.
"Ohh...be careful, okay?" Taehyung asked worriedly with a little smile.
"I will" I said and he hugged me. I hugged him back. The nurse came in.
"You can be discharged tomorrow" the nurse said and left the room.
"Yey" I cheered a little.
"U better rest, I will drive you home tomorrow, bye" he waved and left. After 1 minute, I fell asleep.


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