Long Time No See

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~Jungkook's POV~

"Lisa?!" Someone called at her back. We looked back and saw.....I don't know who, but she ran to him and hugged him. Ouch. They look close though. I just watched them and they looked cute as a couple. Wait what? We are the perfect couple.

I just sulked at my seat while watching them. Then they came to me.

"Hey, Jungkook. Meet my childhood BFF, MinHo" she smiled brightly.
"Nice to meet you, Jungkook" MinHo let out a hand to handshake.
"Nice to meet you too" I accepted his hand harshly.
"Hey Jungkook, wanna hang-out with us?" Lisa suggested happily. MinHo nodded.
"Nah. I'll be going home" I said. They nodded and they ran happily. Sighed. How I wish that's what me and Lisa was doing. Sigh.

I got out of my seat and started going to the car. I drove back to my house and took out my shoes. I lay down to my bed and scrolled up for some new feeds. My stomach began growling. I groaned and went down to the kitchen. I open the fridge and saw ice cream. I got the ice cream and went to the living room. I sat on the couch and opened the TV.

~After 1 hour~

Lisa came in with her sweetest smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed.

"You didn't go to my house. So I'm here" she giggled. I rolled my eyes. She sat next to me.

"It was super fun our hang-out. He was so funny. We rode a lot of rides, eat cotton candy and we talked about ourselves. Surprisingly, we had something in common. Then--"

"SHUT UP!!! I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR HANG-OUT!!! Okay?!?!?" I stomped off to my room and laid on my bed.

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