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I wake up to my alarm noise. I huff and close it.  I lay on my bed.

Today is Saturday and I have absolutely nothing to do.

I don't have anyone's number.  I don't really know a lot of people here . and since I'm new here in Holmes Chapel, maybe I should go and take a look at the place.

I stand out of my bed. brush my teeth, comb my hair, I put some jeans and a shirt and go down stairs.

"Good morning mum" I say and take a glass of orange juice she previously poured.

she says good morning to me and asks me If im going somewhere.  I tell her that im just going to go around holmes chapel and then I'll come home.

I go out of the door. I think about taking the bus but I decided against it

I don't even know where I'm going so I'll have a walk.

I pass by a few blocks.  they are all similar.

  I walk till I find a couple of buildings and narrow streets. the buildings look quite old and dirty. each building has a couple of apartments I see. the streets are not clean at all, there's water everywhere on it and a lot of dirt. between every two buildings there's a small area containing a huge trash bin, the trash is everywhere around the bins and on the street.

There aren't a lot of people on the streets though. its abandoned . its so deserted.

this part of the town looks like a place I used to go, back in california.  I've never seen this part before. 

of course I didn't.  I haven't walked around. till now.

I finally see a couple walking they're odd from the other people I met. they're covered in tattoos and piercings.  they're kinda punk. they walk into a building with a sign ontop of it "rogue corporate" I follow them into the building.

I enter the building and look around the place.

It's painted with black all over the walls and the floor is black with small white polka dots. there's a a lot of colorful lamps all around the place. and theres a mini bar in the corner. and a lot of round-like tables with high chairs.

the place is really crowded with people.  its like all the poeple in the town is in this club, restaurant .. whatever its was.

most of them are teens. and as I see . they are underage - drinking. all of them have cups or bottles on thier hands wich obviously involves alcohol.

its not like I haven't done it before.

i take a seat on a table. wich seems to be the only available table at the moment.

a blonde girl who seems to be the waiter walks up to me.

"Can I get you anything ?" she asks while chewing her gum. in an annoying way.

"yeah , um what do you have ?"

"well we have wine, vodka,.." and she keeps saying alchol drinks coctails that involves alchol.

"Is there anything that doesn't involve alcohol ?" I ask her. I didn't really plan on getting drunk tonight.  especially when im in this part of the town.

"Water" she says while chewing her gum very loudly.

"I'll have a glass of wine" a glass of wine won't hurt. she nods and walks away.

I look around the room watching it. alot of teens are drinking. all they do here is drinking. I don't even see a dance floor. why is alot of people here anyway? maybe cause this place allows underage drinking.

I freeze in my place when I see who's sitting in the table opposite to me.

Harry. along with Niall , Liam , Louis, and that boy that invited me to the party. I don't exactly remember his name but I decided that I don't like him.

there's also this scertaty girl I think her name was lindsay ? anyway she's sitting next to harry, wearing a very little black dress.

once harry's eyes lay on me he stops and keeps staring at me.

seconds later he comes and sits in the chair opposite to me.

"What are you doing here ?" he instantly says.

"I dunno, Just having some fun" I answer him. I'm still mad at him and want to avoid him though.

"Do you even know what this place is ?" he asks.

"um, a bar ?"

"No this isn't a bar" he stands up "Now you need to go gome-I'll drive you"

"No I'm not going home, I just got here !" I snap at him " I need to go to the restroom" I tell him and walk away. 

I go to the end of the room where I assume the bathroom is. I enter the bathroom.

there's a couple of tall girls,  who's wearing very tiny dresses and too much makeup. they both glare at me then slowly smirk. 

"Hey there" the blonde girl says. she pulls something from her purse.

she pulls a gun and head it towards me.I freeze in my place finding it so hard to breath.

"now you'll come with us" she says and grabs my arm painfully "be a good girl"

"don't try to scream or open your mouth" tje brennute one with the squeaky voice says "no-one will help you" she smirks

they both pull me out of the room. everybody out looks at me and then goes back to whatever they're doing. 

its not like they have a gun and they're so caussually pulling me. Nothing odd in that.

I search the room for harry he sitting in his place but he didn't observe me yet.

I want to scream for help but it's not that easy with her putting that gun in my back. tears start to go down my face.

harry finally looks at me to find me being pulled out of the room.  he stands up and starts walking towards us.

he stands in the way of the two girls

"leave her alone" he says to them

they both look at each other and laugh.

he pulls a gun and heads it towards them " I said,  leave. her. alone." he sayd this time his voice is cold and rough.

everything starts to blurry.  not this again. everything starts to fade . my head is so heavy. everything suddenly blacks out.





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