The Beginning of something new...

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* = actions/time lapses
() = Author's thoughts

So, this is like a recording in a book
(Idk if it even makes sense or not)

*Ons the camera*

Author: I think it's on now so... *creates a portal and goes into a random universe where there are lots of trees and mountains* I guess we would make a house here to stay. *Creates a house similar to Undertale Sans and Papyrus's house* There we go. And now to get the Sans! *Goes in portal*

* A few hours later...*

Author: *closes portal* Finally got the last one. *looks extremely tired* the sleeping potions should have wear off by now already...

UF: Where the fu*k am I?

DT: I was just going to kill Jerry... Now where am I?

Author: Oh, spoke too soon.We are now in the void.

UF: Oh great, just fu*king great. One moment I was running away from boss, then now it seems as though I have been kidnapped by a human and stuck in the void with alternate Sans.


UT: why am i here and who are you?

Author: Oh! I'm Angelica, but you can call me Angel. You guys are here because the readers are going to ask you guys questions or dare you guys!(Kind of a 4th wall break, oops)

UF: Ha! 'Angel'? More like 'Devil'.

Angel: SHUT UP OR I WOULD TAPE YOUR MOUTH! *takes out duct tape*

UF: *Shuts his mouth*

Angel: Ok, anyways introduce yourself to the readers. (Another 4th wall break oops.)

DT: Wait readers?

Angel: Oops I mean the other Sans.

UT: alright then. i'm sans, sans the skeleton.

DT: Well, you just did our introduction for us since we are all sans.

Angel: So, comment your asks and dares below! You can also ask me too!Bye!

*Offs the camera*

Fun facts while writing this chapter: and about me:
- I kind of had no idea to ship who with who, other than Afterdeath, PaperJam and maybe GasXSans or PacifistXSans so feel free to comment me who you want me to ship who with. :P
- I made this 'Ask or Dare' book is because I want to include Gas and Pacifist Sans in since I can't really find any books about them and I really like them in general.
- There would a storyline and some twists (to make it interesting)
- it's 12 am midnight when I wrote this. I'm so tired now.
- I don't really know anything about the AU Sans when I wrote this, would search on them tmr.
- I don't like seafood except prawns. It's not that I have an allergic reaction to it but I just don't like the taste.
- I'm listening to old fifth harmony songs now while editing.

26 Nov EDIT: Just woke up and edited this.

See you at the next ask/dare!

Ask And Dare Sans And The Other AU Sans (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now