HeadCanons about Ask and Dare Me, Sans and other AU Sans Part 1

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Hey guys, Angelica here! So these are the nicknames and head canons about the book for all the sanses as of till Ask 2! (not including me) I would update this in the future so let's get started!

Nicknames: Classic, Original, Sansy
- Would marry Ketchup if it is legal in the Multiverse.
- Does not have a crush on anyone for now
- Is a massive shipper and kind of a sinner
- He's in 'Shipping Squad', 'Pun Intended' and 'Nerdies'.
- He likes to watch Steven Universe, The Amazing World Of Gumball and Adventure Time with the others.
- He is close friends with Gas, Pacifist,Geno, Dust and G
- Knows how to cook all kinds of dishes
- Knows how to play the ukulele ( a type of guitar)
- Is very hardworking before the resets happen
- Before he met the other Sanses, he thinks that nobody would understand what he had been through.
- Often has nightmares of the genocide route of Papyrus dying and sometimes even his close friends (Gas,Pacifist,Geno,Dust and G) getting killed by Frisk but manages to hide it from everyone.
- Also has nightmares about HIM
- Does not like to be called 'Sweetie', because it reminds him of HIM
- Has depression but tries his best to be positive with people around him. This is probably the reason why all of the Sanses has not found out about it.
- Does not really speaks any puns due to his depression but the others rarely noticed it.
- Has a tragic childhood, including being sexually abused by HIM.
- Might have slight Haphephobia (fear of being touched) and Monophobia (fear of being alone)
- shares a room with G
- is involved in a love triangle
- often goes to the roof with Outer to talk about space and the stars
- doesn't really trust anyone other than his close friends

Nicknames: Red, Edge, Edgy, Edgy My Chemical Romance
- Would marry Mustard if it is legal in the Multiverse.
- Only knows how to cook hot dogs and spaghetti.
- Has a crush on Sci and Blue
- has a soft side that is only seen by Sci and Blue
- his close friends are Sci and Blue
- sometimes Sci drags him to watch anime
- not really a huge anime fan
- he doesn't really trust anyone other than Sci and Blue
- loves to eat Blue's tacos with Mustard
- has nightmares about his brother killing Sci and Blue but manages to hide it from them
- is in 'Pun Intended' and 'Meanies'
- is involved in a love triangle
- shares a room with blue

Nicknames: Blueberry, Blue,Berry, Cinnamon Roll
- is an expert at cooking tacos
- is trying to break his cooking record of 20 tacos in 10 minutes
- loves to watch Steven Universe, Adventure Time and The Amazing World Of Gumball with the others
- tries his best to make everyone be happy everyday
- is just too innocent for this world
- is in 'Star Sanses'
- is close friends with Red and Sci
- has a crush on Red
- is involved in a love triangle with Sci for Red
- shares a room with Red

Nicknames: Sci, Nerd, Scientist
- likes to drink coffee
- is an extreme Nerd
- is close friends with Blue and Red
- has a huge crush on Red
- is involved in a love triangle with Blue for Red
- often calculates if he and Red is possible to be together
- is a huge anime fan
- often drags Red with him to watch anime
- is a shipper and a massive sinner
- watches hentai sometimes after he makes sure everyone has gone to bed
- sometimes he and Sans goes to the lab that it built by Angel (me) to calculate the possibilities of different ships of the Sanses.
- shares a room with Error.
- is in 'Shipping Squad', 'Pun Intended' and 'Nerdies'.

Nicknames: G
- is addicted to coffee and smoking
- has a huge crush on Chess
- is a massive shipper and sinner
- hopes that one day he would be able to be famous for taking pictures of the different ships and writing fanfictions about them.
- is close friends with Sans
- shares a room with Sans
- suspects that there is something wrong with Sans, but does not tell it to anyone since he feels that he should confront to him first.
- loves to go to the 'Shipping Room' to put pictures at the 'Wall of Ships' and write fanfictions.
- is mature but when his ships began doing something together, he fangirls

Nicknames: Dust
- likes to drink Ketchup but not as much as Sans
- loves the stars
- regrets killing others to earn LOVE.
- is close friends with Sans,Gas,Pacifist and Geno
- has a secret crush
- most sanses other than his close friends are still afraid that he might start to kill people again.
-is insecure and only his close friends know about it.
- has a room to himself due to the other Sanses not wanting to be in a room with him


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