Behind the camera SHORT

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This short is a few days after 'The Chosen Sans', when Sans is better! Enjoy.

*YOU put in a video recording and press 'Play'.*

Gas: *holding the camera while peeking at Sans* *YOU can see Gas, Pacifist and Blue peeking at Sans* I need to record this.


Pacifist: Shhh! Be quiet. He's singing. *Secretly takes a picture of Sans*

*YOU hear the strumming of some type of guitar*

Play the song on top for better experience!👍

Sans: *strumming the ukulele*
wise man say, only fools rush in
but i can't help falling in love with you~
shall I stay? would it be a sin
if I can't help falling in love with you
like a river flows surely to the sea
darling so it goes, some things are meant to be!~
oh take my hand take my whole life too!~
for I can't help falling in love with you!~
Like a river flows surely to the sea darling so it goes, some things are meant to be!~
take my hand take my whole life too~ for I can't help falling in love with you!~
for I can't help falling in love with you~

Gas, Pacifist and Blue : *quietly claps without letting Sans know*

Blue: THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL! *almost tears up*

Gas: I almost teared up.

Pacifist: He definitely sang it because he liked me.~

Gas: *places camera at the floor* No, me!

Pacifist and Gas: *starts to fight*

*YOU could only hear that they are fighting*

Blue: *holds the camera to show the fight* HEY G! CAN YOU GIVE ME THE POPCORN?

G: Sure, why did you need it? *Hands popcorn to Blue*

Blue: *takes the popcorn and eats one* TO SEE THIS! *Points at Gas and Pacifist fighting*

G: Alright, count me in too! *Grabs some popcorn for himself*

Blue: SURE! *Sees that the battery of the camera is almost flat* OH NO! THE BATTERY IS ALMOST FLAT! WELL, LET'S END THE RECORDING THEN!

*The video recording ends...*

?: weLl, iT sEEms tHat thEy aRE havINg soMe fuN toGEther. iT's tOo bAD tHat i wOUld nEed tO tAKe hIM bAck tO wheRE hE iS suPPoSed tO bE. oH wELl, i gUEss ThAt aLl fUN thINgS shOUld eNd eVEntUALly.

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