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I'm really sorry, but I would be discontinuing this story. This means that Im gonna go restart the whole ask and dare book. You may ask, why? Well, these are my reasons.

1. Focusing too much on one character.

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I always focused too much on Classic rather than the rest of the Sanses. And that's a problem since it's not called 'Ask and Dare Undertale Sans' but 'Ask and Dare Sans and The Other AU Sans'. Other Sanses such as Ink, Error and Reaper rarely appeared due to me focusing too much on Classic. Due to them rarely appearing in the book, some readers might think that oh this book has no Ink/Error/Reaper but in reality there is. Other Sanses like Geno, Pacifist, Gas, Lust and G get much more screentime due to them being close friends with Classic.

2. Losing interest on ships that I used to have interest on.

Here's a fun fact. I lose interest on things very quickly. I used to be a huge fan on object shows such as BFDI and Inanimate Insanity. But I lost interest of that in like a month and later becoming a massive fan of Steven Universe. However, I lost interest with that too in two months and became obsessed with Undertale and becoming trash. But don't worry, I'm still a fan trash with Undertale. Its the same with ships tbh. I used to ship AfterDeath, PaperJam, ChessXG, RedXSci or maybe RedXBlue and ClassicXGas or maybe ClassicXPacifist. But I lost interest in 'ClassicXGas' and 'ClassicXPacifist' so it becomes to 'ClassicXLust'. But then I lost interest in that again so now I ship AfterDeath, PaperJam, ChessXG (maybe SciXOuter) and Kustard. (thanks to the recent fanfictions I have been reading ._. )

3. Wanting to remove myself in the ask and dare book

So, if you guys have found out the book earlier, the book title was actually 'Ask and Dare me, Sans and his other au selves'. This is because you are actually able to ask me questions. But after some considerations about it, I have decided to remove myself since its kind of weird that I am even in the book.

4. Changing of the plot of story

Recently, I feel that I should change the plot of the story. You may ask, why? Well, because I feel that the plot that I have created for this story mainly only have Classic, Lust and ?, which to be honest kind of sucks due to the fact that there are almost no appearence of anyone.So, I have decided that there would be a new plot for the ask and dare book to make sure that everyone has enough screentime ( kind of like in varity shows ) and no one gets left out.

Now that I have told you the reasons, what would happen?

Ok. Firstly the 'Behind The Camera' book is going to be discontinued and restarted too due to it being kind of connected with the ask and dare book.

The characters are going to change too. So I would probably add some more characters. Some of the sanses' personality would change too. More on that later.

I might ask you guys to vote on which ships you want to see in the ask and dare book in the future due to me always losing interest quickly. So be HYPED!

I was going to consider adding the Papyruses' in the new ask and dare book but that would be too much people for me to focus and write on

Classic (or sometimes I refer to his as sans) would still be my main focus even though I wanted everyone to have enough screentime.

The NEW Ask and Dare book would have:
- A new writing style
- New Sanses
- Different Plot
- Songs! (Kind of like a musical)
- Different Couples
- MIGHT have Lemons/Sins/Smut [Whatever you called it]
- Rape. Yes, rape. (Would have warnings!)
- Some depression stuff ( Would have warnings!)
- MIGHT have self harm (Would have warnings!)

Adding some more Sanses in the NEW Ask and Dare book

So I have decided to add Dream, Cross and Nightmare for now. I have also planned to add Horror in but he would be added later for the plot.

You can ask me to add other sanses that you want to see at this comment section!

Also, before I go, I would create a new book for the NEW Ask and Dare! This one would be discontinued. Hope many people would read it! Bye!

Ask And Dare Sans And The Other AU Sans (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now