Dare 2 and Ask 3

333 7 13

*Ons the camera*

Angel: Well, I guess that we had something to do. Let's see the ask or dare!

*An ask/dare falls into Angel's hand*

Angel: Oh boy! Nice! I'm gonna get Classic

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Angel: Oh boy! Nice! I'm gonna get Classic. *Shouting* SANS! YOU HAVE A DARE!

Classic: coming! *Walks down the stairs quickly* what is it?

Angel: You need to wear a dress.

Classic: do I really need to do this?

Angel: Yep, and in front of everyone!

Classic: ugh fine. where's the dress?

Angel: Here! *Hands a dress*

Classic: this is going to be so embarrassing... *walks into changing room*

This is the dress that Classic would be wearing:

This is the dress that Classic would be wearing:

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A few minutes later...


The rest of the Sanses: Coming!

Gas: Why did you gather us here for?

Angel: Well, we are here to see Classic in a dress!

Pacifist: Wait WHAT! *Blushes*

Lust: Well this is gonna be fun.~

*Just then, Classic comes out wearing the dress*

Classic: *blushes a light blue* well this is awkward.

Gas and Pacifist: *blushes and nosebleeds*

Lust: Awwh you look cute.~

Classic: *blushes a deeper blue* s-shut up.

G: *takes a picture* This is going to be in UnderNet.

Classic: can i remove the dress already?

Angel: Nope! It's staying there for 3 asks/dares.

Classic: wait, WHAT?!

Lust: Nice.~

Angel: Anyways, Lust and Classic, can I have a private talk with you in your room?

Classic: sure.

*Angel went in the room with Lust and Classic.*

Angel: So, there is also an ask regarding you two. You can read them yourselves. *Hands ask to them* I would be outside *hands them the camera*

Classic and Lust: *reads the ask together.*

Lust: Umm

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Lust: Umm... If you are ok with it.

Classic: *thinks for a while* ya, im ok with it.

Lust: So, we used to be together. But, something happened and now we are just friends.

Classic: ya, anyways im gonna go get some ketchup. *Leaves the room*

Lust: *holds the camera* Well,Umm... It was due to his depression that we broke up. I still hoped that we can get together, but it seems that his depression has gone worse. I also saw some scars at his wrists just now while he's wearing the dress. I'm very worried about him right now...

Lust: *leaves the room*

Angel: So, are you finished?

Lust: *hands camera to Angel* Yep.

Angel: Alright, anyways send us asks and dares! Bye!

*Offs the camera*

Classic wearing the dress= 2 asks/dares

?: aWWh, sO mUCh peOPle carEd abOUt yoU. iTS tOO bAd i wOUld hAVe tO tAke yoU awAy fROm tHem...

Ask And Dare Sans And The Other AU Sans (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now