Dares 3 and 4

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*Ons the camera*

Angel: So, I guess we're back with some asks and dares. Let's see them!

Angel: Ohhh nice dare ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *shouting* CAN EVERYONE COME DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY!

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Angel: Ohhh nice dare ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *shouting* CAN EVERYONE COME DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY!

All of the Sanses: Coming! *walks down the stairs* So, what is it?

Angel: Read it. *hands dare*

All of the Sanses: *Reads it*

Geno: Wait, what?! We had to play pocky in front of everyone?!

Reaper: I like it.~

Lust: *thinking* “ hmm... They say the others can join...” Is this compulsory?

Angel: Hmm... They DID say that the others can join, but I'm gonna make it compulsory.

Ink and Error: Wait, who's PaperJam?

G: You two's ship name, of course!

Error: wAIt, WHAT?! *blushes*

Ink: *blushes too*

Classic: come on g let's go and get the cameras. *runs to the shipping room*

G: Alright! *Follows classic*


All of the Sanses except Classic, G, Geno, Reaper and Blue: *points at Geno and Reaper*

Reaper: Well, if you say so.~ *takes a pocky out and puts it between his and Geno's mouth*

Classic: wait! we're not ready yet! *Takes out a bunch of cameras*

G: *takes out his phone*

Classic: ok, now kiss!

Geno: *biting some pocky* Wait, what?

Reaper: *bites the rest of the pocky and kisses him*

Geno: *stands there for a while, before blushing*

Classic: *snaps a picture* a classic couple. they are so cute that i almost forgot that i was wearing a dress.

Reaper: Hmm... I would pick PaperJam! *gives the pocky box to Ink*

Classic and G: YES! THE SHIP WOULD SAIL! *fangirling so hard*

Ink: Umm... alright. *blushes* Error, you ok with this? *bites one end of the pocky*

Ask And Dare Sans And The Other AU Sans (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now