Ask 1

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A Few Months Later...

*Ons the camera*

Angel: Hi! We're back with an ask. Let's read it shall we?

Red: Why the fu*k do we need to say our crush?

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Red: Why the fu*k do we need to say our crush?

Blue: SWEAR JAR! *takes out a jar*

Red: Ugh alright *puts some gold in the jar*

Angel: Well it is a ask, if you don't answer it I would punish you.

Red: Fine.

Sans: well who wants to answer first?

Everyone except Sans: *points at him* You!

Sans: alright. *takes the camera* where should i go?

Angel: Oh ya, you can go in this soundproof room *creates a soundproof room*

Sans: alright, nice.

*enters the rooms and closes the door behind him*

*places the camera gently at the table*

Sans: umm... i don't have a crush actually so bye.

*leaves the room*

Angel: Well that was fast, so who wants to be next?

Reaper: *holds Geno's hand and raises it up* I think Geno wants to go next, right darling?~

Geno: *blushes* Shut up baka you sound like Mettaton and alright, I would go next.

*Enters the room*

Geno: So you guys probably know, but I have a crush on Reaper even though he's a baka.

*Leaves the room*

Reaper: So Geni, you like me right?~

Geno: *blushes* N-N-No you baka. And stop calling me Geni. I don't like it.

Reaper: Oh I know you do.~

Geno: *blushes a deeper blue* N-N-N-N-N-No I don't!

Red: Ugh just shut up you couples are so noisy, I'm going next.

Geno: ok *realises he said couple* WAIT WHAT *starts to blushes* I DONT LIKE HIM! ( This is before Geno and Reaper are dating)

Reaper: Right, you don't like me, you LOVE me~

Geno: Ugh I give up *goes in his room*

Outer: Reaper, aren't you gonna talk to him?

Reaper: Nah, he would forget about it later.~

*Goes in the room*

Red: So, umm... *blushes* I actually have a crush on Sci and Blue.

*Leaves the room*

*Enters the room*

Reaper: If you didn't know, I have a crush on Genie.~

*Leaves the room*

Angel: I would go in next

*Enters the room*

Angel: So I don't have a crush on anyone here or anyone irl so ya.

*Leaves the room*


Dust: Oh ok, I would go in after Blue

Sci: I would go in after Dust then.

*Enters the room*


*Leaves the room*

*Enters the room*

Dust: So I don't have a crush.

*Leaves the room*

*Enters the room*

Sci: *blushes* So I have a crush on Edgy My Chemical Romance. (I think this is how you spell it)

*Leaves the room*

Ink: So Error do you want to go next?

Error: UgH alRIghT.

*Enters the room*

Error: *blushes* My cRUSh iS inKY...

*Leaves the room*

Ink: So, who do you have a crush on?

Error: WhY dO I hAVe tO teLL yoU?

Ink: Umm... since we are close friends?

Error: StILl nO.

Ink: Ugh alright.

*Enters the room*

Ink: My crush is Error... *blushes*

*Leaves the room*

G: I would go in next, alright?

Gas: I'm ok with it.

Pacifist: Me too. I would enter after you then.

Gas: Then I would enter after you.

*Enters the room*

G: So I have a crush on Chess but he isn't here.

*Leaves the room*

*Enters the room*

Pacifist: *blushes* Ugh this is so embarrassing, but I have a crush on Sans. Even though he looks like me, I feel that he has something that attracts me to him.

*Leaves the room*

*Enters the room*

Gas: *removes his mask* So, I have a crush on Sans. He just has something that attracts me to him, something that is not like the others. *puts on the mask back*

(Fun Fact: Gas!Sans only removes his mask if he's talking about something that he's very serious about it)

*Leaves the room*

Angel: So that's everyone, right?

Sans: *starts to count* yep.

Angel: So thanks HerDevil for the ask! Please continue to ask or dare me and the others. See ya at the next ask/dare!

*Offs the camera*

Edit: I forgot Reaper's part so ya.

9 Nov Edit 2: Changed Geno's nickname to Geni

Ask And Dare Sans And The Other AU Sans (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now