Ask 2

569 10 585

( Fun Fact: This ask is a few hours after 'Dare 1'
Another Fun Fact: The camera would on automatically when there is a dare or ask picked by me and it would only be able to be offed when the ask or dare is finished. So if someone pushes the off button when the dare or ask is not finished, it would not off)

*Ons the camera*

Angel: Oh! Hi there! I guess there is a ask or Dare for us to complete. Let's see it!

Angel: I guess I would gather everyone for this ask

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Angel: I guess I would gather everyone for this ask. *uses a speaker*CAN EVERYONE PLEASE GATHER HERE RIGHT NOW WE HAVE A ASK!

All the Sanses: Alright coming! *Goes down the stairs*

Red: Why are we even doing an ask right now? It's fu*king 11 right now!

Blue: SWEAR JAR! *Holds out a jar*

Red: Alright, alright here ya go *puts some more gold in the jar*

Sans: normally i don't agree with red but he's right. why are we doing an ask at night?

Angel: Because the camera is on now and we can only off it when we finish it.

Geno: Alright everyone enough talking. Let's just finish this ask or dare so that we can go to sleep.

All the Sanses: *Reads ask*

Sans: well who wants to explain about the groups?

Everyone except Sans: *points at him*

Sans: of course, why do i even ask. so for starters there are around 5 groups. they are called 'pun intended', 'shipping squad', 'nerdies', 'meanies'and 'star sanses'.

Sans: alright so i'm in 'pun intended', 'shipping squad' and 'nerdies'.

Red: I'm in 'Pun Intended' and 'Meanies'


Sci: I'm in 'Pun Intended', 'Shipping Squad' and 'Nerdies'.

G: I'm in the 'Shipping Squad' only, of course!

Geno: I'm in none of it.

Reaper: Same as Genie~

Sans: wait. since you two have no group and are couples, you guys should have a group called 'Canon Couples'! (Yep AfterDeath is canon in this book, I'm not sure about outside the book)

Reaper: Great idea Sans! Geni let's get our own club room!~

Geno: Ugh alright Death.

*walks around to find a room*

Sans: well i guess i should change it to 6 groups now...

Ink: Well I'm in 'Star Sanses'...

Error: i'M iN 'MeANies' oNLy.

Outer: I'm in 'Nerdies'.

Dust: I'm in 'Meanies' too.

Gas: I don't have one.

Pacifist: Same as him.

Angel: Alright, is that everyone?

Sans: *counts the number of Sanses* yep.

Angel: The camera should be able to off now if everyone has said their groups correctly.

*tries to off the camera*

*does not work*

Angel: Ugh I still can't off it.

Sci: So is there a group we don't know of?

Angel: Well, if I can't off this, then it's probably that. Anyways I would just wait till the battery dies.

Angel: Send us more asks and dares! All asks and dares send should eventually be used in this. Bye!

29 Nov Edit: Changed Geno's nickname to Geni.

At about 2 a.m.

*8?????? tooks the camera*

*8?????? enters into some sort of soundproof room and 4 other members are sitting there*

*8?????? puts the camera at a table*

3??????: Alright, let's just start the '??????' meeting (help me recommend names for this group). So what to do we do now?

7??????: I don't even know. The others are starting to find out about the group. How am I going to explain that I actually know how to drive, smokes and that I can actually travel to the Multiverse. (idk what it's called but I think it's this.)

1??????: Don't forget we actually know all kinds of language.

7??????: Anyways, we need to try our best to prevent the others from knowing about it, or who knows what would they do?

8??????: But we aren't doing anything wrong with opening portals and going to different genocide worlds to help the Sanses, right?

1??????: I'm not sure, but I don't wanna risk it, they might punish us and maybe even remove us from the book. (yep the group members of this group all knows that they are in a book.)

3??????: Anyways, we need to admit that we're in this group so...

3??????,4??????,7??????,8??????,1??????: I admit that, I, *insert number here*??????, is indeed in ??????.

3??????: Ok, it should probably work now. 1??????, go and off the camera and put it back.

1??????: Ok then.

*Offs the camera*

Ask And Dare Sans And The Other AU Sans (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now