육 : liar, liar

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you like me best when i'm off my rockers

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you like me best when i'm off my rockers

. . .

"Kook! Have you seen Namjoon? I haven't seen him since last night" Yoongi walked over to the youngest man in the room, but he was too focused on playing Overwatch.

"Jungkook! Didn't your parents teach you to reply when someone's talking to you?!" Eager for answers, he tapped the younger's shoulders. Jungkook was startled by his action, making him flinch and lose the game.

"Look what you've done! The fu.ck do you want?!"

"I'm asking you where Namjoon is! You were with him last night." Yoongi crossed his arms and gazed at the boy suspiciously. Sure, Namjoon has come home late before, oftentimes he'd come back the dorm the following morning but this time it's different. He's a fugitive, he wouldn't go too far, he wouldn't stay out until morning.

Turning off the game, Jungkook walked over to the kitchen counter and poured himself a glass of water.

"I don't know. He asked me to leave first, he told me he'll just light up a cigarette."

"And you obeyed him?"

"What are you so worried about? We're all murderers here, do you actually fear you'll find his body floating somewhere?" He lifted the glass over his face, looking through his uneasy hyung through the translucent glass.

"If you answer me that way again, I will break your face using that" Yoongi spat before shifting his focus away from Jungkook and towards the boy snuggling under his hoodie on the couch.

He sat beside him and watched his expressions carefully. The boy seemed off ever since they've reunited, like he's putting up a curse under his breath.

"Are you okay?", he wondered. The boy looked at him with his eyes red as the color of wine. His lower lashes parted distinctively with dry tears. Anger and madness mixed up in every flare he saw through his eyes but there's nothing he could do yet. Not now.

"I will kill him..." the boy lowly whispered.

"Wow, I remember you being guilty as f.uck the last time you k—"

"Yugyeom" Yoongi was cut off by his immediate response. There was evil in his eyes, like the young man totally lost his sanity. Was he even sane? He knew what that look meant, he'd seen it before. Among the four of them, he was the craziest, he was the monster. But wait, did he just—

"the chief deputy? that d.umbass?" Yoongi raised a brow at him. At first, he wouldn't believe it but the boy was serious and took his nod as a 'yes'

"But why—?"

"Umm, hyung?" the maknae weakly called. Yoongi hesitated to look back to make him feel bad for refusing to answer him properly earlier.

"Yoongi hyung..."

"Min Yoongi!" his calls turned more desperate this time.

"You disrespectful piece of sh—" he turned around and leaped over the couch.

"Namjoon is dead"

Yoongi sharply gasped at what the boy said. They exchanged stares before the boy on the couch broke their stillness.

"What do you mean he's dead?"

"Someone texted me this" Jungkook swallowed the lump on his throat before flashing the conversation before their faces.

liar, liar, you will all go to hell

who is this? how did you get my number?

do you think you can get away from your crime just like that?

idk what you're talking about

unknown sent a photo

There Namjoon was, lying on top of a pile of garbage bags with a long slit around his neck where his blood streamed down. His eyes were still open and his arms were on arranged neatly on the sides of his lifeless body.


liar, liar, you will all go to hell

. . .



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