십육 : the last queen standing

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'cause i really hate being safe

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'cause i really hate being safe

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Jungkook pulled up the hood of his jacket as sweat formed on his forehead. The intense heat of the sun had penetrated the thick fabric covering his well-built torso.

"What the f.uck are you doing? Cover your face! I swear I'm going to leave you if they saw us" Taehyung reprimanded and he quickly obeyed.

Carefully opening the back door, he was greeted by a familiar man. He was someone he trusted with his life a few months ago, someone who pitied him, someone who never thought psychopaths could ever find love.

"Taehyung? Is that you? Is that really—" he wrapped his arms around the man's neck and squeezed him tight. If it weren't for him he'd be dead by now.

"I told you I'll come back one day"

"Yeah, you're my boy"

"How is she?" Tae bit his lower lip with every hint of worry in his eyes. The man knew who he was talking about and it somehow made him sad, considering the girl he was pertaining to doesn't even even know he's still alive.

"She's depressed, Tae. She couldn't forgive herself and she's grown more wrathful against her brother. She's not fine, and it scares me"

"Does that mean she still doesn't know?"

"I'm the only one who knows you're still alive, Taehyung. Do you want me to call her? Do you want to see her?"

Tae swallowed a huge lump on his throat. He stared blankly at the man trying to get a grip from the questions he threw, does he really want to see her now?

"Yes, please take me to her, please"

Jungkook held his wrist and forced the elder to look at him. He couldn't believe what he just said, all this time he thought they're going to take Yugyeom down but his stupid feelings are getting in the way again.

"Are you f.ucking serious? You really want to see her now? What if someone sees you, du.mbass?!!"

"Shut the f.uck up, Jungkook! I don't need your stupid help!!"

"You're the one who asked me to come with you and now you're telling me you d—you know what? Go ahead and do whatever you f.ucking want. But remember this Tae, I tried to f.ucking protect you and this—" he squeezed his wrist tighter and pulled it down so his eyes would level with his, "—this stupid love you feel, it will kill you"

He walked away whispering inaudible curses, clutching his fist inside the pockets of his jacket. Taehyung, on the other hand, pushed himself inside and stood nervously while the strange man made sure no one would see him.

Taehyung tiptoed his way out of the basement up to the nostalgic corridors that used to be his fortress. It was along this sad hallway that he danced around to entertain his other half. Although it was hell living in the four walls of his cell, she made his suffering worth it.

With every bit of optimism, he's confident that she'll come with him this time. Little did Jungkook know that the reason why he went back to this fort is to snatch her away from this kind of life.

Knocking at her door a few times, the old man did not receive a response. Taehyung could feel his heart beating again like the first time he met her. She was that strange lady, always cheerful to see him.

However, things don't always end the way we want them to.

"N—Nari?" the old man stood dumbfounded.

"What is happe—Nari?" then it was Taehyung's turn to witness the most heartbreaking moment of his life.

"N—no, no! Nari, I'm here, please wake up. What the f.uck?!! Nari, wake up for me! Please!!" running towards her lifeless body on the ground, he held her on his arms. He removed the strands of hair covering her pale face only to find no sign of suffering from her expressions, although there's still sadness on her lips that longed for his kiss.

"Nari, no..." tears fell from his eyes to her chest. The blood on her wrist and the blade on her palm indicated that she took her life by cutting. There's no more of hearing her voice, and even though he just heard it for a short while, it was like a song that played inside his head. He was her psychopathic crush and she's not there anymore to keep him sane.

Their story was just another Romeo and Juliet — someone pretends to be dead while the other half suffers with a broken heart. Nonetheless, what makes their story different is that there are no Capulets nor Montagues, no Benvolio  nor Mercutio nor Tybalt, there was just them.

"Nari!!" he shouted her name that echoed through the hallways, surprising the old man that snuck him in. His voice cracked as he repeatedly screamed her name like it was the only word he knew.

"I'm sorry, I—I was too late. Nari, I'm alive. I hope you could look at me. I lived for you, how could you give up on me?" holding her close, he refuses to let go. Footsteps could be heard approaching from the other end of the corridor.

"Taehyung we have to go!" the old man struggled to pull Taehyung away from her.

"No! I won't leave her again!" resting his head on her chest, he cried more. Grief was all that he could feel, that was the love of his life on his arms right there and she's dead.

"Taehyung! Come on!"

"No! Leave us alone, I'm not leaving her! I'm not— I will never do it again. Nari, I—" he refused to listen. The man went ahead to leave them alone in her cell with the door open. The footsteps are coming closer but he didn't mind. He doesn't care anymore, he doesn't worry anymore.

It doesn't scare him anymore.

"I—I'm sorry, Nari. I love—"

"Put your hands behind your head!" a deep, authoritative voice commanded. He doesn't have to look back to know that all the guns are pointed at him. Despite the presence of the strangers, he still refused to let her go.

"I love — I love you. I love you. I love you!!!" he continued screaming while the guards forced to handcuff him. His heart was breaking into a million pieces and he couldn't do anything about it.

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