birthday surprise!: an alternate ending

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이십 : have i gone mad?
an alternate ending for the series

choose the ending you'd rather believe

choose the ending you'd rather believe

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a secret kept from all the rest

. . .

"because we're not the only people in this room"

After realizing what he had done, Hoseok pulled out the knife covered with the blood of his friend.

Jimin wasn't innocent of the string of murders though.

Is he worthy of the same fate — a brutal death at the hands of his own friend, the sickening taste of his own medicine?

Many have wondered how the younger was able to do anything he wished to do even though he was tucked in bed, resting like a lifeless person, all day but the problem is no one really wondered what he did at night.

Does it never puzzle you what could be hiding in the dark? on the corner of your eye? under the shadows?

No one noticed but he was always there.

However, behind every Clyde, there's a Bonnie and behind every Joker there's a Harley. Jimin didn't work alone, he always had someone who supports and encourages him.

Hoseok fell so far from his sanity that Wonderland has already become his reality. Frequent nonexistent tea parties were his main form of leisure almost every day and real-life therapies never worked. It only just made everything worse than before.

That night after entering the hospital room together with Jimin, Hoseok immediately flopped himself on the younger's bed.

While Jimin was contemplating the last crime he would ever commit, Hoseok's attention was caught by a manly figure standing on the edge of Jimin's room. The figure was standing still on the darkest corner where light refused to shine on. Hoseok stared and patiently waited for him to move but the figure never did.

"Hoseok, wake up.." a faint voice of a man resonated in his ears. He closed his eyes while he tried to shrug the voice away but the moment he opened his eyes, the figure has moved closer to him.

Curiouser and curiouser, he was. He closed his eyes one more time and when he opened them, the figure has already moved at the foot of his bed.

"Wake up! wake up!" the voice was getting louder as if it had something to do with the strange figure of a man creeping its way towards him.

He grabbed the knife beside him and hid it behind his arm while he inched towards the younger.

Anxious that he would fail to protect Jimin, he thrust the knife on his back until the metal part of the weapon has completely disappeared under his flesh.

"Hoseok, why won't you wake up?"

There goes the strange voice again echoing stronger and invading his senses.

"I can't let you die in anyone's hands. I promised Jin to protect you and this is the only way I know how."

With one last stab, he ended the boy's life. The blood of his dear friend stained his clothes, most importantly their friendship. But none of that mattered, for now, he looked around to find that the strange figure is finally gone or maybe, he was just not searching carefully.

Perhaps, he has to look where he doesn't want to look, where he never want to look.

The corner of his eye.

Hoseok carefully and slowly shifted his gaze behind him and stared at the reflection he saw in the mirror. With a terrified look on his face, his jaw dropped at the sight of a familiar friend.

"Jin? Wh—what are you— are you alive?"

The figure stepped into the light to reveal his perfectly sculpted visual. He looked nothing like a dead ass corpse, he was perfectly alive.

"You're asking the wrong question, Hoseok" he arrogantly replied.

"I don't underst—stand"

"Jung Hoseok, you're not even awake"


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