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Bella's POV

"Bells?" Charlie calls from the front room. I hear a door close upstairs and a creak, but I ignore it and go to the front room.

"Hey dad! Is Mi here?" I ask.

"Someone say my name?" I turn around and see Hermione. I run over to her and hug her tightly. "I've missed you too, Bella!" She gasps, returning my hug. I let go of her and look at her, and I mean really look at her.

She looks so much different to how I imagined. Her once tight, frizzy corkscrew curls now fall in soft waves and her chocolate brown eyes are now stronger, and more pronounced in their colour. Her body is shaped with curves but her clothes look slightly baggy and she looks tired. Very tired.

"How are you Mi?" I ask, demanding the truth with my eyes. "You look tired."

"Just a bit jet lagged, Bella. I'm fine." She tells me, yawing.

"Dad, Jake and Billy are coming round for dinner. They'll be here in half an hour, and I'm cooking for seven." I tell Charlie, dragging Mione out of the room and up to my room.

"Er, I think I should warn you," I begin, "Jake's, er, changed. He's not quite like he used to be." I say, not wanting to tell her the secret that could put her in danger, the secret that cannot leave the circle of the few who already know.

"I know." Hermione whispers. I stare at her, wide eyed.

"You know that Jakes a-"

"I know that he's changed, Bells, it wasn't really that hard to figure out after he stopped writing and calling me." I sigh. This makes things complicated. She doesn't know about vampires or werewolves and her best friend is a werewolf. I hear a knock downstairs and Mi gets up and leaves the room, heading downstairs to get the door. I follow behind and watch.

"Hey B-" Jake trails off, staring at Mione.

"Hey Jake!" I call from the stairs, smiling. "I see you've met Hermione!" I joke. I see Hermione tense up remarkably and I remember. No jokes or pranks of any sort. Well aren't I cleaver.

"Whoa! Mi, you ... you're looking good!" Jake says, taking in her appearance.

"Thanks Jake. You look amazing! Anabolic steroids are really bad for you." Hermione jokes, relaxing a smidge. I smile.

"That's what Bella said to me. But no, I've just been working out ... a bit." Hermione steps aside to let Jake and Billy in. Jake glances questionably at me but I shake my head, already knowing what he was about to ask.

Jake sighs and stands next to me while Billy heads into the front room. Mi closes the door and I turn and head back up the stairs, the other two close behind me. We go into my room and Jake sits down on my bed, cringing.

"You didn't tell her?" Jake asks, a pleading look in his eyes. I shake my head and he face palms himself. "Mi, I need to tell you something." I stare at him, shocked.


Hermione's POV

I stare at Jake, startled.

"I'm ... I'm a ... god! I hate Sam! Bells..." He looks at Bella imploringly and she sighs.

"He's a werewolf, Mi." Bella says, looking away from me.

"You mean, a werewolf, with change at the full moon?" I ask, remembering Lupin. Again, I have to fight back tears. Jake laughs, making me jump.

"No, that's just a myth." No, it's not! "We can change at will." Jake looks much more relaxed than he did to begin with.

"So, you're like, shape shifters?" I ask, keeping up the charade of not knowing about any of this. Jake laughs at my way of putting it.

"Yeah, I guess. Boy, will Sam be pleased to know that you think that we're shape shifters, Mi." He says, smiling.

"So Bella knows, I know, does Charlie and Billy know?" I ask.

"No, Charlie doesn't, dad does though, he's head of the council." He tells me. I nod. "How's Cullen?" He asks, turning to Bella, who fixes him with a cold glare.

"He isn't planning on changing me any time soon Jake, if that's what you're implying." She snaps. I stare at her.

"Bella! He was only asking how your BF was! Jesus Bells!" I say, rolling my eyes. "How is lover boy, anyway?"

"Oh, he ... he's fine. How's Harry?" She asks, a knowing look in her eyes.

"Harry's fine Bella, he's fine." I assure her, confused.

"Harry?" Jake asks, looking from Bella, to me and back again.

"Yeah, Mi's BF." Bella tells him, a smile on her face. I face palm and shake my head, laughing lightly.

"No, no, no! You've got it all wrong Bella! Harry is my BFFE, not my BF! That's Ron!" I tell her, imagining what Ron would say if he heard that.

"Oh, I just thought..."

"Bella," I say, cutting her off. "Harry is with Ginny, not me! Harry is more of a brother to me!" I say, shaking my head. Bella flushes a deep red. "You'll get to meet them in October!" I tell them both. Bella stands up with a start.

"I better start dinner!" She exclaims. "Come on, out!" She shoos us out of the door. I smile and head into my room. I hear Jake and Bella talking, but I don't pay any attention, instead I grab a book and curl up on my window seat, and start reading.

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