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Bella's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groan and press the snooze button. A knock sounds at my door and I grumble a reply.

"Bella! Wake up! Alice will be here in thirty minutes, Charlie left a while ago." Hermione calls through the door. My head shoots up and I jump out of bed, grabbing my jeans and red blouse and changing into them. The smell of bacon and sausages float up and I sigh. I pull on socks, boots and run down the stairs, grabbing my bag on the way down.

"Mi?" I call.

"Dining room!" She replies. I direct myself to the room and plonk myself down at the table, where my cousin places a plate of bacon, egg and sausage in front of me. "Eat up, we don't have long." She doesn't sit, she just walks up the stairs, reappearing ten minutes later with a small black beaded bag. One that you see at parties, not one you use for school. She places the bag down and takes my clean plate to the sink and washes it.

"You don't have to do that you know," I say, earning myself a raised eyebrow. "You do realize you'll need a bigger bag than that, right?" I ask, looking pointedly at the small bag.

"I won't. I got a locker at the school."  She grabs her bag and makes to the door, where a moment later, the bell rings. I grab my bag and run after Mione, who was climbing into Alice's car - a yellow Porsche.

"Hey Bella." Alice calls from the other side of the car. I smile at her and climb into the passenger seat beside Alice.

"Hey Alice." I reply, placing my bag at my feet. "How are you?"

"Good, thank you Bella. Anyway, I want to talk to you about something Edward told me. About last night." I stare at the small vampire. "What I want to know is, why I found out from him."

"I can't answer that one Alice, besides, you were asleep." I say, processing what she said. Why didn't she know before him? Why didn't she see it coming?

"Bella," Hermione yawns in the back, "you know your going to need to show me where the office is." I chuckle slightly, remembering how Charlie had told me where to go to get there. It sounded strange coming from Hermione, asking for directions was rare with her, even more so when she asked to be shown.

"Of course Mi, wouldn't dream of leaving you to fend in the school alone. You know your sitting with me and my friends at lunch, right?" I look back at her to see a huge grin on her face. I smile.

"Here we are." Alice says as she pulls into an empty slot beside a Mustang and a Volvo. Both belonging to the Cullen family. The Mustang being Rosalie's and the Volvo Edward's. "See you at lunch Bella - no, we have a lesson together before then. I'll see you in math." She smiles at Hermione as she gets out of the car, pulls the seat forward and Mione climbs out, holding that small bag in her hand.

"Thanks for the ride Alice." Mione says to Alice, being pulled into a hug by the pixie vampire. "Bella, let's go to the office."

"Course. Alice, we need to go. See you in math!" I pull my cousin away from the car and towards the office.

"It's about the size of my primary in England." She says without a gasp.

"Yeah, but it has nothing on - Hogwarts, is it?"

"Uh huh." She smiles at me and I return it, glad that despite everything, she could still smile like nothing was wrong. That's why she's better at lying than me. "I know."


Hermione's POV

As we walk into the reception, a warm breeze hits me, and Bella sighs but I hardly notice it.

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