Dinner with the Cullens

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Hermione's POV

As I leave my final class, I have to suppress a groan, for I had to go back to the office to hand in my slip to the lady at the desk. I walk out of the building and to the office, when someone steps in front of me, blocking my path. I look up and find myself eye to eye with Mike Newton.

"Hey Mike." I paste a smile on my face.

"Hey." He replies. "You okay?" I nod and notice Bella getting into a silver Volvo. So much for waiting.

"I'm fine, Mike, thanks. Just tired I guess. Lessons here are different than what they are in my old school." He nods in understanding.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He smiles at me then walks around me and leaves. Someone taps my shoulder and I freeze in fright. I turn round, ready to run, only to find myself face to face with someone that I've never met before.

"You alright?" The girl asks. I nod once. "You need any help?"

"Oh, um, no. Thank you, but I think I'll manage." The girl looks at me before shrugging.

"I'm Rosalie." The girl says, extending a gloved hand. I take it and smile as warmly as I could.

"Hermione." I say.

"Yeah, I sorta guessed. The whole school's been talking about you and how you're from England. The accent's not hard to notice here." I nod and think of a way to excuse myself without seeming rude. "Have you been to the office yet to hand the slip in?"

"Oh, no. I haven't yet. That's where I was heading before Mike stopped me."

"Oh! Sorry, you must be wanting to go. But the office is over that way, that side of the parking lot. Have you got a ride home?"

"Thanks Rosalie. Um, my cousin said she was going to give me a lift back." I smile at her again but instead of returning it, she grimaces.

"Come on, I'll take you to the office." I follow her to the office, but instead of leaving once we reach it, she smiles at me. "I'll wait out here." Shocked and confused, I walk into the office where I nearly groan. The lady at the desk was the same as this morning. Perfect. I walk up to her and clear my throat.

"Oh, it's you. Enjoy your day?" She sneers at me.

"Yes, thank you." I hand her the slip. "Do I need to come back tomorrow for another slip, or not?" The lady stares at me.

"No." She turns back to her computer and I leave her to it, being met by Rosalie as I exit.

"Nice isn't she." The blonde girl says sarcastically. I nod.


"Your cousin didn't tell you, did she? Bella, I mean." I look at Rosalie. "No then. Edward took her home, and asked me to tell you that Carlisle invited you for dinner. And Bella, but she's always there on a Monday, so that doesn't matter." Carlisle? Wasn't he the best doctor in all of Forks? Doctor Cullen was the best doctor that Charlie had ever seen, and he'd had all sorts of training. If the doctors name was Cullen, then he must be a vamp too. Great. Just great.

"I have homework." I say, earning a raised eyebrow. "And I'm behind everyone else."

"Believe me, you can do it before you eat. You have everything you need?" I nod, resigned to the fact that I wasn't going to win this.

Luckily, I had packed a new pot of ink and several new quills in my bag, and everything in the bag was protected against an ink spillage - including the bag itself. Of course, it would take a lot to spill the ink because I made sure it was unbreakable - spells of course - and I knew several spells that would make sure the pot was closed.

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