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Bella's POV

"Jake," I whisper, knowing full well that Jake would hear me as though I had spoken his name. He turns round and smiles. "Don't go getting any idea's, mutt!" I cringe at the hash tone in my voice and notice Jake's eyes narrow and he tenses.

"You're already changing, Bella. I have my best friend back and you think that I want that kind of relationship? That I would ruin the perfect one that she's got now or even that I would do that to her? Come on, Bells! You know me better than that!" He growls. Just as I am about to hit him, I hear my window slide open and feel a slight breeze. I look up, thinking that I would see Edward, but no. Instead, I see Emmett, who was glaring murderousley at Jake. I cringe, knowing exactly what Emmett was capable of.

"I thought you never left Blondie, bloodsucker." Jake growls, his voice louder than it should really be.

"Yeah, you thought. I suggest you run along home like a good, obedient puppy, before I tear you limb from limb like a rag doll, mutt." Emmett growls back, his voice considerably quiet, yet dark and foreboding.

"You know the rules better than anyone, mutt. It was your grandpa that set them down." I glance at Mi's room. Either she is completely oblivious to what is going on, or she is ignoring it. The latter is probably most probable, her hearing is that much better than my own.

"Not here, okay?" I whisper. Jake and Emmett glare at each other, making me shudder. Then, Jake storms off downstairs, muttering things. I turn to face Emmett.

"What the hell was all that about, Emmett?" I hiss.

"Ed's hunting with the family and I got stuck with the Pixie at home. She told me that your future disappeared when you arrived home, and I literally only found out a few minutes ago. Alice was gonna call Ed, but I told her not to bother, cause I was already on it. Arrived just in time, huh." Emmett lets out a short chuckle, before turning wistfully to Mi's door.

"No! Absolutely not Emmett! You came in the window, not the door, she'll suspect something if you barge in there now-" Emmett shoots me a grin before disappearing through my window. Less than a second later, the door bell rings.

Mi's door opens and she passes me and heads downstairs to get the door, a book in her hand. I shake my head and follow her, keeping at a safe distance.


Hermione's POV

I hear Jake storm down the stairs and continue reading. Less than a minute later, the door bell rings. I close my book and head down to get the door.

I hear Bella creeping behind me but I ignore it. When I open the door, I see a 19/20 year old, smiling at me.

"Hi! I'm Emmett Cullen and you must be Hermione!" Emmett holds out a hand and Bella sighs.

I take his hand and look at his face. His looks are pristine, he smells sweet and his eyes are a crisp gold. I inwardly gasp.

His smell, the smooth marble texture of his skin that is as cold as ice, his perfect features ... they all remind me of someone, and that person alone. Sanguine, this vampire that Slughorn invited to his Christmas party, two years ago. I smile sweetly at him and step to the side, wordlessly inviting him in.

"Are you, Edward's brother?" I ask bravely.

"Yep!" Emmett smiles, nodding his head. Great, Bella, my stupid, accident prone cousin, is dating a bloody vampire! "You and Bella look a lot alike, only," He pauses, looking over my face. "You look tired and worn, fatigued." He smiles at me before putting a foot out to step over the thresh hold.

"Emmett, we have dinner guests and I need to start cooking! Go!" She walks over and slams the door, before turning to me.

"Bella. Go and relax! I'll make dinner - no buts! - and have enough to feed the whole of Forks. Go!" I tell her, pointing up the stairs. She grins at me and takes off up the stairs. I run into the kitchen and lock all of the doors and slip my wand out of my sleeve and start cooking.

Vegetables and cooked meat are chopped and put into a pan, followed by boiling water, stock and an OXO cube. I then mix some cake mix up, enlarge it and put it in the oven, planning on tripling the amount so that there are three cooked cakes, ready to eat. I find a soup taurine and enlarge it twice and I pour the soup in. I then increase the amount of soup, so that there are three homemade soups, all in rather large soup taurines. I carry them out to the table with five bowls and a water jug with glasses levitated behind me. I place them upon the table and stow my wand in the waistband of my jeans, my long jumper hiding it from view.

"Charlie! Billy, Jake!" I call. Jake comes bounding into the room with the two men following behind. "Bella!" No answering sound follows my shout so I try again, louder this time. I slowly make my way to the stairs. "Bella? Bella!" I huff when I get the same response as the first time. Nothing. "ISABELLA MARIE SWAN! GET YOUR LAZY BACKSIDE DOWN HERE NOW!" I get a responding stomp from Bella's room and count to five. "DON'T MAKE ME-" But the rest of my sentence was cut off by a rather annoyed Bella stomping down the stairs.

"You know, you really sound like an elephant when you do that." I tell her, grinning. She just glares at me and stomps all the way to the table, plonking herself down on a chair with more force than necessary. I sit down between Billy and Jake and everyone helps themselves to soup and water. By the time I finish my first bowl, Jake's already on his fifth.

"Your going to choke on that if you carry on." I tell him in a joking manner. I dish up my second bowl and start talking with Jake. It feels good to have one of my best friends here, even if I can't tell him my secret.

I I can't help but feel as though I'm betraying him by not telling him. I mean, he told me his and who knows what trouble he'll get into for it and yet, I can't tell him mine? Just because if he knows, Bella will find out, and in short, Charlie.

"So, Mi, how's school?" Billy asks. I paste a smile on my face as I turn to answer him.

"It's good, thank you. I've a lot of friends back there, but I needed a break. My best friend, Ginny, her bro-" I stop, tears once again filling my eyes. I look down at my plate to avoid anyone noticing the tears.

"Charlie, have you enrolled Hermione at Bella's school?" Billy asks, changing the topic. For this, I am more grateful than I can admit.

"Oh, yeah, she's in the same year as Bells." Bella's head perks up.

"Mi's starting at Forks high?" She asks incredulously. I nod once without looking up from my now empty bowl. "This changes everything!" She stands up and races upstairs, appearing minutes later with her phone in hand. She dials a number and holds the phone up to her ear.

"Bella? What is it? Did-"

"Calm down pixie!" I hear a growl on the other end. Bella laughs. "Hermione is starting school tomorrow."

"I'll be over in five minutes." Bella puts the phone down and looks at her dad.

"Alice is coming over to meet Mione."

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