school ~ part 2

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A/N Long part, I know. But trust me, it'll be worth it! (I hope ...) Enjoy

Ron's POV

"Stop stressing Ron!" My sister exclaims, spooning some mash potato onto her plate beside her chicken drumsticks. I glare at her.

"I can't help it!" I exclaim, earning a warning glance from Harry. "It's just not knowing where she is ... or what she's doing! How do we even know she's alright?"

"Alright, just shut up, and eat." Ginny says, pulling some chicken off her drumstick and popping it into her mouth. "I'd rather hear it after your full, that way, I won't have to hex you - probably. She phoned before we left, yet it did nothing to calm either of you." Me and Harry both stare at her. "Look, Ron, it's obvious your worried because ... well, for one thing your not eating - which is NOT ordinary for you - and second, you won't shut up about it! If you keep coming up with these ridiculous ideas that she's been kidnapped, or killed, then I'll start thinking that too, and that really won't end well.

At least Harry's coping better than you. I almost didn't notice, but - don't look at me like that Potter!" Ginny snarls at Harry, leaving us both taken aback by the sudden change of attitude.

"You're worried, aren't you Ginny. Despite what your telling me and Harry, everything your saying ... it's not doing anything for you." I say. Ginny turns back to her food, tearing a large strip off of her chicken. She doesn't say a word until her plates empty - save for the chicken bones. She takes a pork scratching out of the bowl in front of her and pops out into her mouth, grabbing a handful and leaving them in her hand.

"I'm not worried, Ronald!" She hisses, her eyes dark, but the purple rings beneath them give her away. "Your just winding me up and you've literally drilled several of those ideas you've had into my god damn brain!" Harry looks at me and finishes his food before the dishes disappear, and the pudding takes it's place. Ginny finishes off her handful of pork scratching and her eyes droop as she places her elbow on the table, her cheek resting on her hand. Harry glances at her and shoots a look at me as if to say; 'don't test her'. I nod and finish my food. Right on time, the main course vanishes, and the desserts appear. My mouth waters and I dollop two scoops of trifle into my bowl, finishing it in minutes. I then have a rather large slice of cake. I look up at Harry, who was trying to coax Ginny into eating some cake. Or a pumpkin pasty, I'm not sure.

"I'm fine Harry!" Ginny says, sounding worn. She takes a slice of chocolate cake and nibbles it, finishing it by the time I'm on my fourth desert - sticky toffee pudding.

"You still having nightmares Gin?" Harry asks her in a mutter, helping himself to some trifle.

"No." Ginny answers quickly - too quickly - making the end of the conversation clear - and what the real answer to the question was.

"Ginny," I start, my voice garbled by food. "Talk to madam Pomfrey, she'll give you a sleeping potion like when Harry rescued you from the chamber in your first year." Harry closes his eyes and I realise that by saying that, I basically asked for a death wish.

"Ron," Ginny says too brightly. I gulp. "Are you asking for me to curse you?" I shake my head. "Well it certainly seems that way Ronald." She hisses the last part and glares at her bowl, shooting daggers. The puddings vanish not long after and a chime sounds through the hall, silencing everyone instantly. Professor McGonagall gets to her feet and stands where Dumbledore for all those years.

"Welcome students, new and old. As you may expect, we have several new teachers joining us. We have more classes too." This comment was met with a series of groans. "You will, however, be pleased to know that they consist of future jobs. These classes will only - and I repeat, only - be taken by our NEWT students, and higher, each depending on the job you wish to take when you leave. Hagrid will be teaching care of magical creatures again." This was met with claps. "Defence against the dark arts is being taken by an ex auror - Professor Augustus, please stand." An old, frail witch stands, a scowl on her face.

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