Meeting the vampiric pixie

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Hermione's POV

"Bella? Mind telling me who Alice is?" I ask, my eyes tear-free.

"Edwards sister. She's already eaten, so she won't be eating with us." She turns to Jake, making the close of the subject obvious. "Jake, can I talk to you? Outside?" Grudgingly, Jake gets up, walking out to the back door, and in extension, the garden. Bella follows behind and as the back door closes, the doorbell rings.

"Charlie, I'll get it. If everyone's finished, could you bring out the cakes?" I ask him. He nods and gets up, heading to the kitchen. The doorbell rings again and I walk to the door, opening it. A very peculiar sight meets my eyes. A short girl, around my age, with black hair cut short, stands smiling at me. If I hadn't noticed the golden shade of her eyes, I would've sworn she was human.

"It's rude to stare, you know." She laughs, a tinkling bell of a laugh. It takes me a few seconds to realise that I had tensed up, causing the little vampire to stop laughing and look at me worriedly.

A vague memory of Fred saying exactly that to everyone who looked at Harry without saying a word or moving.

"I'm sorry! Bella told me not to ... I'm so, so sorry! It completely slipped my mind!" The vampire looks at me imploringly, begging forgiveness.

"Don't worry about it. Easy mistake to make. You're Alice, right?" The vampire nods, easily more relaxed. "Bella said you were coming. Do come in." I step to the side, and Alice steps inside.

"So, now that we've formally met, let's do away with formality and talk like friends. Charlie talks to me like a daughter. I think he would rather have me round more than my brother. Edward's polite to him, but I don't really think it counts for anything, not since-"

"Is that Alice, I can hear?" Charlie calls from the dining room.

"Hey, Charlie!" Alice calls dancing into the room, where Jake sits tense, and Billy nods at Alice. "Bella! I thought you said-"

"Found out a few minutes before I rang." Bella says, looking up at the vampire, love shining out of her eyes. The same love Harry has for me. The same as Ginny. A sisterly love.

"Oh." Alice says, looking relieved and a little stumped at the same time. "I thought Emmett was kidding when he said that you two look alike, but no. Just the hair, face and posture really." Alice looks from Bella to me and back again. Before she could say anything more, her body freezes, her eyes turn glassy and a horrified look crosses Bella's face.

After about ten seconds, Alice comes out of her trance and looks at me, smiling.

"I need to go. Be ready at half eight in the morning." Alice turns and walks down the hall and out the front door, phone in hand, talking very fast and quietly.


Bella's POV

Well, that went well. Alice had left around an hour ago and we were all sat talking and laughing - well, not Mione, she was sat listening, answering when she was talked to, but it was almost mechanically, instinctively.

"So, Mi," Billy says, turning to her, "what made you want to come and stay with Charlie and Bella?"

Hermione tenses and I know this was a question she had hoped to avoid. She looks down at her empty bowl and sighs. For a minute, I think that she'll not answer, but she surprises me. As always.

"I needed a break, a fresh start. My best friends family lost a twin, and it was too hard to cope." As if sensing that this was uncharted territory, Jake speaks up.

"Dad, we better get going. It's nearly nine and we-" He points at me, Mione and himself. "-have school."

"Right, yeah. See you soon girls." Billy pulls away from the table and Charlie gets up, helping Billy to the car.

"I still don't know why he does that." Jake whispers, shaking his head in amusement. "My dad's told him he can manage - how many times?"

"Too many to count. Now go, Edwards going to be here soon." I hiss, glancing at the ceiling. Jake freezes and looks at Mi, who was staring wide eyed at me. Great!

"See you soon, Mione! Remember, Bella, your always welcome down at the Rez." Jake hugs me and kisses Mi on the cheek and leaves, following the retreating back of my dad and the wheelchair.

"Right," Mi says, stepping in front of me, her arms crossed and her expression business like. "Edward. What do you mean he's here, and why did you glance at the ceiling when you said it?" I gulp. I know that she'll know if I lie, and that she'd find out.

Be it from one of the Cullens, me, or Jake. Before I can say anything, the door closes and Mione pastes a smile on her face, her eyes staying cold.

"Night Bella." She says, before turning away and bumping into Charlie. "Sorry Charlie! Thank you again for allowing me to come." She hugs him briefly, very briefly, and kisses him on the cheek, before heading upstairs. I look at Charlie, who's cheeks were flushed red. I smile and start to make my way out of the room, but my dad stops me.

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