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If there was one thing everyone in this small town hidden in Texas knew, it was that Awsten Knight loved being spoiled. Whether it was by his mom, his dad, or even by whichever poor boy fell victim to the blue-haired boy's charm, he had to be spoiled and treated like a princess.

He was currently sat upon his pink comforter, fingers hooked in his brand new pink and white necklace as his mind was set deep in thought. He hadn't found a boy in a long time, and he was beginning to get bored. All the boys in his town were dull, and honestly Awsten couldn't stand dull.

Awsten's body adorned an oversized white sweatshirt, one he had stolen from his most recent ex-boyfriend, and paired with a pair of pink shorts. His blue hair was messily strewn along his forehead and his skin appeared dewy from the low lighting in his room.

Pushing himself off of his bed, he began to dress himself in something extremely tame for him, which was a pair of tight black jeans that clung to his every curve and a baby pink t-shirt that said 'Princess' on it. He pushed his feet into a pair of creepers, making him gain an inch in height. He styled his hair with his fingers until the unruly ends stayed flat. Tossing a fluorescent jacket over top his shirt, Awsten pulled his backpack over his body and made his way downstairs, where his mom and dad sat at the kitchen table.

"Good morning Awsie!" His mother's cheery voice chirped as she filled his dad's coffee mug with a strong blend of coffee. "You look lovely today."

Awsten bid his mother a quiet thank you, being sure to stay out of his father's line of sight while fixing himself a breakfast to take with him. The young teen may use his dad's money whenever he needed to, but that didn't mean his father knew of or even supported of his outfits. Usually, his dad was off in different states where Awsten could wear what he wanted in peace, but today was an exception. That was the reason he was dressed unusually tame. He took the two strawberry Poptarts from their foil wrapping, blowing his mother a kiss goodbye before heading out to his car, which was a sleek silver Jeep with chrome trimming.

Awsten chewed a bite of his Poptart as he drove, his mind ablaze with ideas on what to do.

To his mother, he might've seemed extremely innocent, but every teen around his town knew of the real Awsten. They knew of the Awsten who flew from guy to guy, stealing money and virginities, left and right. But now, after becoming bored with the guys that were confined in his school hallways, Awsten hadn't done anything in months, which was rare for the youngster.

He pulled into an empty parking space, finished his Poptart, and tossed the empty foil into the passenger seat. Awsten spotted a few of his friends crowded around a bench, and he climbed down from his car to join them.

Awsten's friend group consisted of one girl and two guys: Grace, Otto, and Jawn. Grace was with Otto, and Jawn was dating some girl across state lines. Despite both of his male friends being extremely attractive, Awsten knew his boundaries.

"Where's the skirts, Aws?" Otto teased as he watched the boy bound towards them. "You seem lost without them."

A face of false romance crept onto Awsten's as he grinned teasingly. "So you finally admit you love me in skirts, huh?" He struck a silly pose for his friend and winked. "When you're ready, come and get it, big boy."

Grace smacked the back of Awsten's head, making him rub it in pain. "Keep your hands to yourself Awsie." She smiled at her friend and glanced over his outfit. "Otto is right though, you look lost without your skirts."

"Can't a man just wear some tight jeans once in a while? Jeez." Awsten glanced around and noticed the entourage of emo kids parading down the sidewalk, a new member following meekly behind.

His scruffy brown locks flew up as a gust of wind blew by. His piercing blue eyes were squinted and slightly red, a sign of a possible high. Two shiny black rings adorned each side of his bottom lip while an eyebrow bar sliced through his eyebrow. A simple denim jacket covered a striped shirt, paired with some sort of necklace and black boots.

"Looks like Aws here found his neck target, huh?" Jawn teased as he slung an arm around Awsten's shoulders, watching in direction of the new boy. "Heard he moved from California with his mom, something about daddy issues."

Awsten licked his lips and shook himself into reality, fixing his fluorescent jacket and hair. "If you'll excuse me, my friends, I need to get myself a new skirt this weekend, and I think I found someone who would gladly pay for it."

Princess // gawsten ✓Where stories live. Discover now