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"It's the rare and illusive Awsten Knight himself." Grace teased as she watched Awsten approach their  lunch table. He was wearing Geoff's striped muscle tank and denim jacket, paired with light wash jeans and his signature white creepers. "Surprisingly, his boyfriend is no where to be seen."

Awsten rolled his eyes and tossed his bag to the floor, collapsing into a seat next to Jawn. "We aren't even boyfriends, Grace." He chewed on his nails quietly. "Just going for little dates, that's all."

"Still just a fling?" Jawn slung an arm around the purple-haired boy's shoulder, tugging him in for a warm side hug. "Because, if I'm being honest here, I think the two of you are fucking whipped."

A blush fell onto Awsten's cheek as he pushed Jawn away playfully, crossing his arms and sighing. "It is what it is." That was the only response that fell from his lips before he felt two icy cold hands cupping his shoulder. "Jesus Chr–" He jumped slightly, glancing up and noticing Geoff's smiling face. "Oh it's just you." He paused, pulling a chair up to the other side of him for Geoff to sit down. "Guys, this is Geoff. Geoff, this is Grace, Otto, and Jawn." He introduced the group to one another, smiling as Geoff beamed brightly.

"Cool necklace, man." Otto pointed at the choker Geoff always wore around his neck, smiling as Geoff turned red slightly.

"Thanks—I didn't think people actually knew what it meant." Geoff's thumb and forefinger rubbed along the ridged edges of the triangles, smiling brightly at Otto.

Grace sat up from her embrace with Otto, giving Geoff a smile and quizzical glance. "Nice to meet you, finally. Awsten never fucking shuts up about you." She flinched as a French fry came flying at her, hitting her in the arm. "But I like your piercings. Where'd you get them done at?"

"A place out in California. I got them before I came out here—you know, new identity and shit." Geoff's arms relaxed around Awsten's waist, his fingers dancing along Awsten's outer thigh in a slow pace.

Lunch went on for a while, with Awsten just listening to others conversations as everyone got to know Geoff. They all seemed to enjoy his presence, which made Awsten's heart swell with happiness.

The bell rang loudly, causing the pair to stand up and begin walking out towards the football. Geoff stopped, fishing his keys from his pocket. "Do we really want to go to outdoor ed today?" He reached over, taking Awsten's small hand in his and tugging him towards the parking lot. "I've got some bud at my house..." Geoff's voice trailed off as he continued pulling Awsten through the parking lot, finally reaching his car and holding the passenger door open for the boy.

"So basically, instead of getting an education, you want us to go to your house, get high, and make out." Awsten clarified as Geoff climbed into the driver's seat of the car, flicking the ignition to life and smiling. "See, this is the reason we're dating." A smile tugged onto Awsten's lip as Geoff reached over, scooping his hand in his own and kissing the top.

Awsten wanted to take this moment and freeze it, just him and Geoff, alone in his beat-up pickup with music blaring. It was a perfect moment, something Awsten knew would never leave his mind. But he also knew that perfect moments were just flickers in time, and eventually, life would catch up to the two of them and drench those flickers in its watery fingertips.

"What's going on in that little head of yours, Aws?" Geoff tapped Awsten's temple with his index finger, lips curling as his hand replaced itself back onto Awsten's thigh. "What're you thinking about?"

The purple-haired boy sat in silence for a little, his thoughts slowly dissolving as he fell back into the reality of his world. "Oh nothing, just how perfect you are, Geoff Wigington."


The pair only smoked a two whole bowls. It wasn't good quality, and provided them only a small daze. It was enough to make them feel the need to make mistakes, but not enough to make them act on it.

"I bet you have a nice dick." Awsten blew out smoke from his nose, looking like a stupid purple dragon and making Geoff laugh softly.

Geoff stole the glass pipe from Awsten's grasp and sucked in smoke, blowing it out around his bedroom as he sighed. "Whoa, can't believe Awsten Knight already wants to see my penis." He handed the pipe back and kicked his feet up on his bed, stretching out his immensely long legs and sighing as they cracked.

Awsten set the bowl aside, which held just a few crusts of burnt out bud and flickers of embers. He curled up in Geoff's bed beneath his comforter, feeling the warmth encompass his body. "I can't help it, I'm a gay boy who happens to love sucking dick."

"Are you trying to offer?" The words tumbled from Geoff's lips without him wanting them to. He smirked as Awsten sat up and straddled his waist, purple hair hanging in front of his dual-toned eyes. Their lips connected into a soft kiss, which quickly spiraled into a hot and needy makeover session.

Awsten kept his thighs around Geoff's hips as his fingers tangled in the elder's hair, tugging and pulling as the heat between them increased. He broke the kiss, only to pull his shirt from his head and reconnect their lips once more.

Suddenly, Geoff pulled away, his eyes widened in pure anxiety and fear. "N-no! No get off!" He shoved Awsten off of his body, his knees tucking under his chin as he shut his eyes. "I don't want it—no I don't!"

"G-Gee no it's me, it's Awsie." Bewildered and practically terrified for Geoff's safety, Awsten threw his arms around the trembling boy, hugging him tightly as the pair rocked back and forth.

Sobs echoed off of Geoff's walls as his episode slowly died down. His once loud, echoing sobs turned into small sniffles of mucus. His eyes were bloodshot and bleary while his body continued to tremble. "I—I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." Geoff mumbled over and over again, like it was the only words he knew. "I'm so sorry, Awsie..."

Awsten held Geoff close to his chest, fingers raking down his back soothingly as he continued to whisper apologies and sniffle. "It's okay, Geoff. Everything's going to be okay." But even Awsten knew that was a lie.

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