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Throughout the morning, Geoff felt like his chest had been ripped open. He felt exposed.

After staying with Awsten for a little while, he finally returned home, with no one inside of his house realizing of his hours of absence. His eyes were bloodshot from the lack of tears and marijuana in his system, which, by the way, did nothing to stop the onslaught of thoughts piercing his brain.

It was now only first hour, and Geoff's eyes were closed more than they were opened. He kept his head held up with the palms of his hands, his bleary bloodshot eyes uselessly trying to focus on today's history lesson. But nothing seemed to be working.

He caught glimpses of a disheveled Awsten, glancing over his shoulder worriedly to make sure Geoff didn't magically disappear.

A part of Geoff couldn't believe he had let himself tell Awsten all of the details. He couldn't have even told his therapist that whenever she had asked him. But now that money was tight, a therapist was the least of the Wigington family's worries.

"Okay, I'll need you and one other classmate of your choice to work together on writing a paper, explaining the impact Muslim advancements in medicinal research had on the rest of the world during the 1000's." Geoff's focus returned to his history teacher as she spoke, returning to her seat and letting the flurry of juniors rush to their friends in herds. "It'll be due next Friday!"

Awsten flew over to Geoff and collapsed in the chair next to him, brushing a hand through purple locks as he smiled softly. "You wouldn't mind if I was your partner, right?" He asked hesitantly as he began getting out sheets of paper and keeping a close eye on Geoff.

Ever since the admissions he told him that morning, Awsten was somewhat scared to let Geoff out of his sight. Maybe it was stereotypical, but all he wanted was to make sure Geoff didn't do something to ruin himself.

"Who else would work with the new kid?" Geoff gave Awsten a smile and moved his desk over to touch the one Awsten was sat at. "Still really loving the purple hair on you."

Awsten fondly reached up and smoothed down any unruly hairs he could feel. His cheeks rose with heat as he giggled softly, pushing Geoff's shoulder slightly. "Stop, you're just saying that."

Geoff pushed him right back, his lips aching from smiling so much. Neither of them could tell if Geoff's smile was truly genuine, or if it was a facade, but neither of them really cared at that point.


⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Below are mentions of homophobia and transphobia. If these themes trigger you, please do NOT read(: you may skip this chapter as it will be the only chapter which goes in depth on these issues! I love you!

"I never did tell you about me." Awsten mumbled as Geoff drove down an unfamiliar street.

The pair were going to work at Geoff's house for their history project, which Geoff belligerently disagreed to. It wasn't until Awsten gave him puppy eyes and a pouty lip that Geoff finally agreed. "You don't have to, I understand it if you don't really—" Geoff wanted to say a million things after those words, but his reasonable side came to fruition. "—trust me, I guess."

Awsten crossed his recently shaven legs over one another, picking at the loose threads of his pink skirt as he spoke. "I come from a really nice family, honestly. My parents are still married, and my sister is a college grad." He smiled fondly at memories of his sister flashing through his brain. "My dad is in the military. He's a lieutenant, or whatever. Super strict, disciplined, and highly honorable." Awsten waved his hands around and let them collapse back into his lap. "Anyway, he thinks I'm straight. He thinks I'm going to get married to a beautiful supermodel woman and have billions of fucking kids. He thinks I'm going to change my mind and be in the military like he is." The purple-haired boy's smile faded.

Geoff kept a steady gaze on the road, but reached over to give Awsten's exposed knee a slight squeeze of reassurance.

"He's a homophobe, who believes all gay boys are just boys who are confused, and that the way to treat their confusion is to make them date a woman." A small tear rolled down his cheek and he swept it away quickly. "Why do you think my longest relationship was with a girl?" His voice was trembling. He had never, ever, spoke to anyone about this, not even Jawn himself. "I told him when I was in eighth grade that I liked boys too, and that night he made me—" A hiccup escaped Awsten's lips and he clasped an embarrassed hand over his mouth, taking a few deep breaths before he continued. "He made me sleep with this girl from our church, and he was convinced I was straight. He told me I was cured, and he looked at me with such pride, Geoff." Awsten completely broke down, which was expertly good timing as Geoff pulled into the driveway of his family's town house.

Geoff practically tore himself out of the drivers door and came to Awsten's side, pulling the younger boy into his arms as his tears soaked through his shirt. The older boy didn't know what to say at that point, all he could offer was a shoulder to cry on and mumbles of comforting.

Tears streamed down Awsten's cheeks as he spoke. "All I've ever wanted in life was to make him proud, Geoff, and the only way he will EVER be proud of me is if I was a straight, strong man who doesn't wear frilly skirts and knee socks." Awsten's hands tried to tug off the pink skirt and discard of it for good, but Geoff's hands stopped him.

"I know that I'm nothing like your dad, but I just want you to know that I like you just the way you are." Geoff pulled away and forced Awsten's eyes on his own. "I like your dyed hair, your frilly skirts and knee socks. I like all of that." Geoff paused to smile fondly at the younger boy's outfit. "I like that you're proud to be who you are and embrace your sexuality. I've been at this school for what, two weeks now?" Awsten nodded in agreement with Geoff's statement. "I've known you for two weeks, and I can already tell you that I am proud to know someone like you, Aws."

"Y–you really mean all of that?" Awsten's tears were softer now, little trickles of water just falling from his eyes and not the streams of rivers anymore. His nose shone bright red from his emotions, and he sniffled slightly as his eyes brushed against the floor.

Geoff just smiled and pushed Awsten's shoulder, pulling the younger boy in for a long and refreshing hug. "Of course I do, Aws, I could never lie to you."

Hello again:) I have this story idea, but if I wrote it, it would probably be a 5 Seconds of Summer fanfiction, would you all still read it?


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