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Months steadily passed by as the school year went on. The school year was almost completely over, and Geoff and Awsten had only grown closer together.

The two were practically inseparable now, always making sure one was feeling okay and making sure the other didn't need something. Despite not sitting together at lunch, they went with each other anywhere else they could.

Awsten stood in front of his floor length mirror, rating his outfit silently. "Gee, you know I can stay home, I don't want to intrude on a family thing." The younger boy's eyes flew to his best friend's as he chewed on his fingernails, a new habit he had picked up over the months.

Geoff invited Awsten to join him and his mom at his sister's May Flower dance recital, something that was an annual thing within his family and which occurred oddly in March. It wasn't really Geoff's idea, anyway. Amber insisted that Awsten be at the very least invited. "Amber wants you there, Aws, and I don't suggest disappointing a seven year old."

"But is this too much? I'm just afraid your mom won't like me because—" He gestured to his current outfit, which was a black skirt and cropped blue sweater with a pair of Doc Martens. "—you know."

Standing to his feet, Geoff smiled as he joined Awsten in front of the mirror. "Trust me, it's perfect. I'm going like this." He pointed to his own clothing, which consisted of his dusty old denim jacket and a red Tokyo t-shirt that he probably bought from Kohl's. "Now come on, we don't want to keep my mom waiting, do we?" Geoff twirled his key ring around his finger and stood near the door, his fingers dangling from the knob.

Awsten sighed and grabbed his phone, walking towards the door and following as Geoff pushed it open. "I can't believe I'm meeting your mom, Gee. It feels like we're a real couple, huh?"

"In your dreams, Aws." Geoff pushed him off playfully as Awsten was gripping onto his arm lovingly.

The purple-haired boy gasped as he was flung from Geoff's touch, crossing his arms and distancing himself from Geoff as they made their way to Geoff's car. "You're making me sad, Geoff Wigington."

Geoff pulled open Awsten's door and allowed him to hop inside, smiling as he was about to shut the door. "I'm sorry, Gloom Boy."


To some people, a dark theater is only scary because of the massive amount of people sitting around them, but to Geoff, it was the dark settings that absolutely terrified him.

He had always sat in the lobby of the theater while his sister performed, so as to not get a panic attack in the middle of three year olds performing a dance to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. But now, as Awsten and his mother accompanied him on both sides, he had no choice but to enter the theater with the two and sit through the dance.

"Geoff, you're sweating." Awsten remarked as the lights grew dim, signaling the beginning of the dance. "Is everything okay?" Geoff knew the tone of voice Awsten was using. It was the same tone he used whenever Geoff talked of his past. Just the use of that tone spiked his oncoming anxiety.

The older boy nodded feverishly and squeezed his clammy fists together, pushing them between his thighs and trying to focus on the tiny dancers in front of them.

Geoff had managed to get through three dances before his anxiety consumed him. The darkness was threatening to overcome his vision, and he suddenly stood to his feet and scrambled for the exit. I have to get out, Geoff's mind raced as he stumbled through aisles of people, his body burning up.

Suddenly, a soothingly cold touch brought Geoff back to reality, to which the touch hoisted him up and walked him briskly down the aisle. The light of the lobby lit his vision, causing him to notice the lilac purple hair and soft porcelain skin. "T–Thanks Awsie." Geoff panted slightly as he was slung onto a wooden bench, his hair sticking to his forehead with sweat.

"You could've just told me, you know." Awsten wrapped an arm around Geoff's shoulder and pulled him into his chest, letting the older boy rest in a comforting embrace. "I wouldn't have minded waiting out here with you."

"I thought you would find it boring." Geoff mumbled from between Awsten's folds of blue fabric. "I'm not necessarily the most interesting person on earth, you know."

Awsten's laugh reverberated throughout his body and in turn throughout Geoff's as well. He allowed Geoff to pull away, but surprisingly he stayed put, his head leaning nonchalantly along the younger boy's shoulder as they sat. "You interest me, which quite frankly isn't that difficult, but still. I find you interesting."

Geoff straightened back up and felt around his pockets, grinning as he found a crisp twenty dollar bill hidden in his jean pocket. "Here's the deal, we can have one of two things: bud or pizza from Luigi's."

A long and exasperated groan fell from Awsten's lips as he buried his face in his fingers. "That's the hardest decision of my life, Gee. Why can't we just have both?" The pouty lip was a signature of Awsten's, and he tried to use it as much as possible.

Geoff ignored the pouty face as much as he possibly could. "I'm not made of money here, Awsie. Unless you have another twenty dollars, you'd better choose just one."

A frown encompassed the younger boy's face as he set his mind deep in thought. A low growl rumbled within Awsten's stomach, making both boys crack up with laughter.

Geoff's laughter died down, and he pushed himself onto his feet, extending a hand to Awsten. "Pizza it is then."

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