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Why did Awsten even come to another one of Jack's stupid parties? Oh yeah, because Geoff Wigington was going.

He was currently walking behind Geoff, his knees knocking together with nervousness. He remembered exactly what happened last time he came to one of Jack's parties, and it wasn't a good thing.

"—look I know you're upset, but I bought ourselves some of the best bud in town, just for us." Geoff was pressed up against a wall, his back to Awsten as he spoke to Patty. Geoff must've handed over the bud, because he stood stoically and seemingly gauged Patty's reaction.

Awsten was knocked out of his thought by Patty, snapping his fingers in front of his eyes. He stumbled back slightly as he stared up into Patty's blue irises. "Sorry I wasn't—"

"Don't fuck things up again, Knight." Patty's hand palmed the baggy of weed as his arms remained cross over his plain black Polo. "I swear to God, if I hear of anything happening and you're around, I will make sure you're ruined. You understand?"

Swallowing slightly, Awsten nodded meekly and hoisted his shorts up higher onto his hips. "I understand." Slowly, a smile lifted onto Patty's lips, and he patted Awsten's shoulder quite harshly, almost causing the petite boy to crash into the floorboards.

Both boys watched as Patty disappeared into the crowded living room, weed and red cup in hand.

"So..." Geoff rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he stood behind Awsten, bottom lip taken in between his teeth. "I-I hate to be that guy, but I've never been to a party, really."

Awsten glanced over, seemingly shocked by Geoff's admission. He leaned his small body up against the wall, arms crossed and tongue in cheek. "Guess I'll have to show you the ropes, huh?" Taking Geoff's hand in his, he began leading him through a maze of grinding, sweaty bodies. Finally, both of them came across the alcohol table, Geoff's mouth practically watering at the sight. "I don't drink, but by the look on that face of yours, you love to drink, don't you?"

"Fuck yes I do." Geoff pondered over his selection, finally deciding on a cup of Hennessy and sipping on the stinging liquid longingly. "God, I never knew how much I missed drinking until this very moment."

"Don't get piss drunk please." Awsten begged quietly as his eyes filled with worry. He couldn't drive, and Geoff was his only ride. "I do need a chauffeur for how high I'm about to get though."

Geoff downed the cup of Hennessy quickly, picking up a cup of Fireball and beginning to sip on that liquid as well. "I give you no promises, Awsten Knight."


It was three hours later before Awsten realized he had finally lost Geoff. He had smoked a blunt and a half before finally coming through his weed-induced haze, realizing Geoff was nowhere to be seen.

Stumbling slightly, Awsten caught himself on the shoulder of some random person, wiping at his eyes as he gazed around for any sign of someone he knew. Finally, his eyes landed on a stumbling Alex, and Awsten practically made a dash for it, a slow dash mind you. "Alex!" He collapsed on his old friend's shoulder, his chin resting on the edge of his shoulder blade. "Have you seen Geoff? I need him."

"Jesus Aws, almost made me spill my drink." Alex's speech was extremely slurred, and Awsten's common sense told him to take his friend's drink away, but the high part of Awsten let it be. "Geoff should be upstairs, I think. At least—" Alex paused to take a drink of his liquor. "—That's where Jack and I left him."

Giving his old, drunk friend a pat on the back, Awsten stumbled in a comfortable haze towards the staircase, having to pull himself up the staircase by the railing. Reaching the top of the stairs, he saw Geoff's legs, poking out of a bedroom door. A low and steady groan was radiating from what Awsten could only guess was Geoff's mouth. "Gee—ugh seriously!" Awsten moaned out in frustration as he stumbled to his friend's practically motionless body.

"Awsie." Geoff's voice was alluring and sweet, but stunk of alcohol and bad weed. "Be a doll and help me up, won't you?" His hands hung dead in the air as his head rolled from side to side.

Stop blushing, idiot. He's too drunk to even know what he's saying. Gripping Geoff's hand, Awsten made sure his friend was upright, but lurched slightly when his head began rolling around. "How much did you have to drink for fuck's sake?" He muttered beneath his breath as he continued working on getting Geoff to his feet.

Finally, after what Awsten perceived as hours, Geoff was up onto his feet, leaning on Awsten's small frame for support. His head still rolled slightly, but at least he was now standing. "I don't wanna go home." Geoff's garbled voice echoed around the hallway as he almost went crashing back into the floor.

"Let's get you laid down--" Awsten tugged him towards the bedrooom, almost losing everything inside of his stomach as he noticed the puddles of vomit covering the vacant bedroom along with in the bed. "--or not." Glancing back at Geoff, he stared back just in time to watch as Geoff threw up all down his shirt, crumbling to the floor in a pool of his own vomit. "Jesus Gee!" Awsten rushed over and tugged on his arm, trying to get him to stand up.

Geoff's large puke-covered hand slammed down onto Awsten's shoulder, leaving a large greenish-brown stain on Awsten's now-ruined sweater. "Have I ever told you that you look like a mermaid?" He reached for Awsten's cheek, but the younger boy quickly dodged it.

Awsten ran a sweaty palm through his fading blue hair, keeping a hand on Geoff's bicep and holding him upright. "Dude, you need to lay down." The younger boy pulled Geoff to his feet, leading him over to the puke-covered bed and sitting him on the foot of the bed. "Do not lay down." Awsten instructed as he tore blankets from the bedding, rolling them up and tossing them into the laundry bin. He brought out a blank white towel and came back to Geoff's aid.

The older boy was laid out in the bed, his arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish almost. His eyes were fluttered closed, his eyelashes brushing along his cheeks. His lips parted open as his lip rings glittered in the dim lighting.

"Come on, Gee, I need to get this shirt off. It's dirty." Awsten poked Geoff's side in an attempt to wake him from whatever headspace he was in.

Geoff stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering between opened and closed. "You just want to see me shirtless, don't you Awsie?" The new nickname he kept giving to Awsten made the blue-haired boy's cheeks tinged in red as he unfolded the towel, trying to blot the vomit out of Geoff's Sex Pistols t-shirts. "Go ahead, you'll just looooove seeing me shirtless."

With pink cheeks and a shy smile, Awsten gingerly tugged up on Geoff's shirt, finally getting it over his head with extreme difficulty. It took everything inside of Awsten not to completely melt into a puddle on the floor.

Geoff's chest was chiseled, chiseled doesn't even describe it correctly. His stomach was toned, and Awsten would put money on the fact that if Geoff flexed, you'd be able to see his abs. His collarbones showed proudly and practically glittered in the lighting. Awsten was brought out of his trance by Geoff's whimpering. Coming to, he glanced down and noticed the new large stain of puke now covering his sweater.

It was going to be a long night.

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