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"Glad you've found your skirts again." Otto called teasingly as Awsten approached the group the next morning. He was dressed in a pink skirt and white sweater, only to be topped off with white Puma creepers.

Awsten did a small twirl in response, fluffing his hair up a bit as he threw his arms around Jawn. "I'm glad I caught your eye, dear Otto." His chin rested on Jawn's shoulder as he listened in on the group's conversation.

After only a few minutes, Awsten grew bored of the talk and turned on his heel, looking around for his most recent target. He wanted Geoff to see him in his outfit, because maybe Awsten wore it specifically for the boy.

He spotted Geoff in a few minutes, accompanied by Patty and his crew. His eyes were swollen and red, which definitely didn't look like he was high. His lips were overly red as well, with all other color that normally held itself in his cheeks gone completely. It looked as though Geoff was a walking corpse, and a part of Awsten, a very small part mind you, was feeling bad for the boy.

But the majority of Awsten knew that Geoff was going to be a fling, someone Awsten would fuck around with, get what he needed, and then go. Maybe it would be a longer fling, but a fling more or less. Because, in case you couldn't tell, Awsten never cared for anyone except himself.

The bell tolled throughout the school, and Awsten said goodbye to his friends before walking down the hallway to his history class. Geoff was two feet in front of him, and Awsten made sure his hair was fixed to perfection before walking faster to catch up with him. "Good morning." His voice was overly chirpy, and he wanted to punch himself for it.

Geoff's eyes remained ahead of him and all he could muster was a mumble of acknowledgement.

"Aren't you gonna look at my outfit? I wore it especially for you." Awsten stopped Geoff and stood in front of him, doing a small little spin and posing.

"Never took you for a person who would wear skirts, I guess." Geoff stepped around Awsten and continued on his path to history. There was no way in hell that he would be late because of Awsten Knight.

Awsten huffed and caught up to Geoff easily, his arms crossing over his chest. "Never took you for an asshole." He retorted, glancing up to watch Geoff's reaction.

Geoff stopped, turning towards Awsten and raising his eyebrow to the younger boy. "You just love pushing my buttons, don't you?" He continued on the walk to the classroom, cursing under his breath as the one minute bell tolled.

"It's a specialty of mine." Awsten continued his walk with Geoff, bumbling next to Geoff as he unwrapped a lollipop. Tossing the wrapper behind him, Awsten laid the lollipop on his tongue and wrapped his lips around it. "I thought you already knew that by now."

Geoff scoffed halfheartedly as he approached the door to their history class. "Oh trust me, I know." Before they both walked in, Geoff turned around and glanced down at the younger boy, gripping his backpack straps between both hands. "Why—Why me? You barely even know me."

Awsten twirled the lollipop between his teeth, feeling the sugar practically melting across his tongue. "I don't even know what you're talking about." Without another exchange of words, Awsten spun around Geoff and entered the classroom, leaving him with many more unanswered questions.

Suddenly, the bell tolled above Geoff, signaling that he was now tardy to first hour. "Fucking Knight."

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