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Awsten laid sprawled over his pink comforter, his fingers dangling at his lips as the music floated around his bedroom. His eyes laid glued to the imaginary stars on his ceiling as his mind wandered through a field of his thoughts.

His hand searched the blankets for his iPhone, finally finding the hunk of metal and gripping it between his fingers. He kept a steady eye on his forearm as he typed on his phone, clicking the call button and placing the receiver up to his ear. The dull tones of the phone reverberated throughout his eardrum as he waited for an answer.

"Helloooo?" His sing-songy voice filled the end of the receiver, making a smile manifest itself onto Awsten's plush pink lips.

"Oh, thank God, Gee. I thought you'd just ignore me." Awsten pulled his torso up as he sat up, raking his fingers through his faded blue hair. "It's Awsten, by the way."

The receiver filled with the other boy's laughter and caused Awsten's cheeks to burn with redness. "No shit—" There was a blur of words in the background, which were higher pitched than Geoff's. "I didn't say anything bad, Amber, shush. Anyway, what's going on?"

Awsten stood to his feet and approached his large floor mirror, examining his body in the reflection as he spoke to Geoff. "I'm extremely bored on a Sunday afternoon, and I was wondering if you'd accompany me to the mall."

"I would be honored to." Awsten's heart swelled slightly as he heard those words. "—But I'm babysitting my little sister at the moment, and I doubt you'd want to help me take care of an seven year old."

Pondering the thought, Awsten stared into his reflections, his fingers brushing along his hipbones as he relived old memories inside of his head. "I mean—Does it mean I get to see you?" Awsten asked quietly as he pulled his hoodie back over his body, hiding anxiety and depression back inside his hoodie.

Geoff chuckled softly as he sighed happily. "Of course, Aws. I'll get my little sister ready and be over in a few, alright?"

Awsten smiled brightly in the mirror as he raised one arm in the air in success. "Alright, I'll see you in a little bit." They bid each other a goodbye and hung up, to which Awsten flung himself back in bed, screaming happily into his comforter and hurrying to get dressed.


"These houses are a lot nicer than ours is, Geoff." His litter sister was buckled protectively in the back of his truck, her hair tied back in a ponytail and shimmering in the afternoon sunlight.

Geoff turned around the somewhat familiar roads of Awsten's neighborhood, smiling fondly back to his little sister. "I know Amb, I wish our house looked like these." He pulled up to the curb in front of Awsten's house and began dialing Awsten's phone number. Pressing the phone to his ear, he glanced over to the security gate as he waited. "Hey Awsie—yeah, we're outside. I'll see you in a bit."

He hung up the phone and waited patiently for the younger boy, giving his little sister the case of CDs and allowing her to choose whatever she wanted. She handed her older brother one of his old Good Charlotte CDs, making Geoff smile as he took it from her small hand. "I always knew you had good taste." He popped the CD into the player and turned the radio dial up, letting the songs bleed through the stereo.

"Didn't expect you to be so into pop punk, Gee." The passenger door was halfway opened as Awsten spoke softly, sliding into the seat as he smiled back at Amber. His hips adorned a pair of tight black jeans as his body wore a large oversized Panic! At the Disco tour shirt. He wore his usual black creepers and kept his messy blue hair unkempt. "Hi, I'm Awsten." He stuck his hand out for Geoff's little sister to shake, to which she did. "What's your name?"

"I'm Amber. You wear really tight jeans." She remarked bluntly with no emotion on her face, making Awsten's face turn pink and a small laugh echo from his mouth.

He glanced over at Geoff as he watched the road ahead of them both. "I see your sister gets her bluntness from you." Awsten teased as he pushed Geoff's shoulder gently, just enough to get a rise out of him.

"I'm a role model, what can I say?" Geoff flashed a proud smile as the Good Charlotte song filled the comfortable silence between the two. It wasn't until the mall was about two minutes away that Geoff finally said something. "Why are we going to the mall again?" His eyes flicked over to Awsten as he pulled into the large parking complex next to the mall, finding a parking place easily and pulling in between two small sedans.

Awsten pushed his phone back into his jean pocket as he finally gazed up and noticed they were there. "Because, dear Geoff Wigington, I've been wanting this new skirt for ages, and I hate going alone." He pushed the car door open and let himself out, pushing the seat forward to let out Geoff's little sister.

She looked like a carbon copy of her brother: the same gloomy blue eyes paired with glittering caramel hair, matched with a long and sharpened jawline.

"You have blue hair too." Amber pointed up at Awsten as the three began walking towards the mall entrance. "I think purple would suit you much better." She stated as she ran from the side of Awsten, finding Geoff's hand and attaching herself to it.

Geoff smiled over at Awsten and pushed him slightly, giggling at his demeanor. "Are you regretting agreeing to this yet?"

Awsten crossed his arms over his chest as the automatic doors in front of them pushed open, letting them enter the large shopping complex. "Not yet, but I think I will soon."

Reaching over, Geoff fluffed Awsten's hair with one hand, laughing when Awsten pushed his hand away bitterly. "Maybe she's right, Aws, purple would suit you."

Despite his faux angry front, Awsten made sure to make a mental note to buy purple hair dye whenever he returned home.

I'm doing an author's note after 28398338 chapters😂 what's up! I'm glad so many of you are as in love with this story as I am! I'm going to be writing another story, so I want input. Here are some ideas, and give the number of what you would want to read:

1. Snapchat-Based Gawsten
2. Dark Gawsten
3. Straight Awsten Fic
4. Sad/Fluffy Otto


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