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"What did you say your name was?" A police officer sits across from me.

We are in a small, confined room with cold metallic walls and no obvious doorway. I see a small security camera wired to the ceiling in the corner peering down on me, zooming in closer by the second.

"Nakamura Ayame." I answer with no emotion.

"So, Ayame do-"

"Please call me Nakamura."

"Oh yes of course, I'm sorry." She shuffles uncomfortably in her seat before continuing on with questioning me, "let me just call my assistant so I can get your file."

Time passed slowly throughout the questioning and when it was over I was practically half asleep.

"Miss Nakamura?" The officer brought me back to reality by nudging my shoulder lightly with her hand.

"Yes officer?"

"Is there anyone who you can stay with? At least for the time being. Any family? Friends?"

I've never known any of my other family before, I might not even have any grandparents or cousins.

And then I remembered.

"Do you know the Houshakujiis?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course, Mr Houshakujii runs many of the police stations around Japan, including this one. But they live in France you know?"

"I know his daughter, Renge, she moved back over here a while ago and I've met her a couple of times since then. Our families where close before they moved away to France years ago but she is back now, and she has a huge house, I could stay there?" I find myself shooting up onto my feet with the sudden wave of hope the washes over me.

"I'll make some calls and see what I can do."


"AYA-CHAN!" I find myself suddenly pulled into an embrace as I step out of my taxi.

"Renge!" I sigh in relief at the return familiarity. The last few days have been so confusing, I felt like my head was going to explode.

But Renge is like family, like my sister

"Thank you sir!" I tell the taxi driver before he pulls off.

"It's been so long! I haven't seen you in almost month, boy the time goes fast quickly. And oh my goodness Aya are you okay? I mean I can only imagine what you've been through-" Renge drags on and I occasionally nod and say "I'm fine", "yes.", "no."

I pretend to listen to her rambling on- I appreciate her concern but I need some time alone -I find myself lost in my thoughts.

I don't even notice when we start to walk inside, my legs just seem to move independently to my wandering mind.

"Aya? Helloooo?" Renge suddenly sticks her hand in front of my face and frantically shakes it around, "Did you hear what I just said?"

I jump back to reality "Oh- Yep- Sorry, I just zoned out for a moment, what were you saying?"

"We have some visitors coming later for dinner, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine, I'm okay if it's just for dinner."

"Awesome!" Her face sparkles suddenly, "Your room is just up the stairs, on the first door to the right."

"Thank you very much." I bow my head before hugging Renge for a moment.

"That's okay! Oh and the guests will be here in an couple of hours, I'll call you when they arrive." She smiles widely before leaving me in the middle of the entrance room.

This place is huge. How do people afford stuff like this?

I make my way towards my room and as soon as I enter it I lock the door and collapse in a heap on the bed.

How did I end up here? Renge is too kind. Her family too although, they are all still in France. It must be lonely living in a house this huge on your own, especially for someone of Renge's age.

I'm going to be lonely without my family.

But I am insignificant, my family where too, they only effected me with their passing, so I have to move on.

I'm only 17 years old I can't let this consume the rest of my life.

I drowsily yank my school shoes off (I'm still wearing my uniform from a couple of days ago) and look at myself in the large mirror across the room from me.

I look awful.

My hair is in knotted together into a mess around my face. My clothes remain torn, still showing way too much skin for my liking. I manage to locate a bathroom and quickly lock the door and hop into the shower.

I will not let their deaths consume the rest of my life, I just need some time. Some time to reflect and mourn.

I can get through this.

I finish washing and wrap myself in a towel, securing it tightly before I leave the bathroom and attempt to look for a change of clothes.

I find a large wooden closet beside the bed and fish through all of the evening gowns and dresses before I manage to find some reasonable clothes.

I end up in a black skirt that reaches down to just below my knees, a white sweater and white knee socks which I pair with some random black shoes that I found at the very back of the closet.

Okay, I'm physically ready but am I mentally prepared to function in front of strangers.


Guess I have no choice.

I walk down the stairs and meet Renge by the front door.

"Awe Aya-Chan you look really cute!" She compliments throwing her hand up in a kawaii sign.

"Thanks! Oh and Renge-chan? I was wondering, who is coming over?" I ask curiously.

"Oh it's just-"

"HELLO!" she is suddenly interrupted by a loud banging on the door and shouts of greeting.

A maid steps forwards and opens the door for us and there stands, none other than Hikaru and Kaoru Hittachin, Kyoya and Haruhi.

"Hello boys!" Renge squeals, running over to hug them. (More specifically Kyoya and Haruhi.)

Hikaru catches her by the arm just before she reaches them, "Nice try Renge but-"

"-Kyoya asked us to come and make sure things stayed focused on business." Kaoru finishes.

They don't seem to have noticed me... maybe I could just slip back up to my room and make up some excuse like I'm unwell?

I creep over to the stair case while Renge greets them all and I've just reached the base when I hear;

"Hey Renge who is that?"

"Oh a girl?"

"Is she staying here?"


"AYAME! What are you doing over there?" Renge runs over and grabs me firmly by my wrist.

"Erm, just examining your carpet?... It really is beautiful..." I make up an random excuse before sighing deeply in defeat.

I guess I have to face these guys.

I let in a deep breath then breath out slowly to calm myself before allowing Renge to pull me to the door.

They all gasp (excluding Kyoya who just looks mildly interested in my re-appearance.)

"A-Ayame Nakamura?"

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