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-a/n: hey all ^-^ I'm so very sorry for the really long wait for an update (>人<;) I had exams but I can hopefully get back on track now and update a lot more often! ~caia-

"Aya?" I feel a hand on my arm.

This seems familiar. Is it my mom trying to wake me up or something?

"Five more minutes..." I mumble, covering my face with my hands.

"Is Aya-chan waking up?" An high-pitched voice asks from somewhere, probably from the door to my bed room.

Is that my brother? I feel like it could be, no, it should be but it can't for some reason...

"My little girl, oh I thought she was dead!~" a strangely familiar voice sings.

"Yeah? Well I'm not, whoever you are." I yawn and sit up in my b- oh, I'm not in a bed. How weird... Is this the floor?

"Why the heck am I on the floor mo-" I open my eyes to see a crowd of concerned teenage boys surrounding me, "Who the hell are you people?"

What the...?

"Must be short term amnesia." someone sighs.

"Guess I'll have to call one of my doctors- again."

"Nah, I'm fine." I smile drowsily at no one in particular from the floor, still half asleep.

I can feel my memories flooding back as the I fit names to the faces that surround me- H-Hikaru? Aaaaaand, Tamaki and... Oh yeah, that one's a girl -my head seems to clear and I smile again when I can recall everything that has happened.

"I got it, I remember now." I name them all one by one out loud- I can even remember which twin is which.

Yep, I'm all up to date now, but why am I on the floor?

"You fainted." Kyoya states, as if he could hear my thoughts.

Maybe he can though...

"GUESS WHAT NUMBER IM THINKING OF." I jump up at him suddenly.

He looks at me in an amused but confused way (mainly amused),


"NOPE, looks like I have nothing to worry about." I giggle and return to the spot where I'd woken up.

Everyone looks down at me with concerned expressions (excluding Kyoya, who still looks very amused with something.)

"What? Is there something on my face?"

Did I miss something?

They all huddle up together suddenly and face away from me.

"Um... Guys?"

~in the group discussion (Aya can't hear this)~

"Boss, what do we tell her?" Kaoru asks nervously, peering over at Tamaki with wide eyes.

No one knew what to do. Aya had forgotten about her family, and it appeared that she didn't really know what she was doing in Honey's house either. She was obviously concussed and everyone was totally lost because they had only really know the girl for an hour at the most.

"Kyoya I don't understand what you find so funny about all of this!" Haruhi snaps at him.

"It's just quite a strange situation, that's all. Everything has escalated so quickly, it's all very strange..." Kyoya lost his funny expression- trading it for his usual disinterested look -and pulled out a large note book which he began writing into immediately.

"Okay? We still haven't progressed any further on how to deal with this situation." Haruhi sighed heavily and covered her face with her hands.

"Poor Aya-chan~" Honey cried softly into Mori's shoulder (Honey was sitting on his back.)

Tamaki snapped out of his silent thinking session and throwing his finger into the air in the indication that he had an idea.

"We need to tell Aya-Chan the truth!" He announces, "She deserves to hear it."

"BUT, we don't know how she'll react-" Hikaru steps in.

"-we barely know the girl." Kaoru finishes.

"She needs to hear it." Haruhi whispers under her breath.

~end of discussion~

~aya's pov~

They turn back after a few moments- I notice that Honey- the little blonde kid -is crying. He was doing that earlier too wasn't he? I recall a similar situation happening earlier- was it today?

Yes, I remember, Honey was crying, I was told to sit down. They told me something.

What was it?

I will myself to remember.

Then it hits me, it's like a bucket of ice cold water was thrown over my head suddenly.

"My family." I whisper.

Gasps flood from the group as they stare at me in shock.

"S-she remembered." One of them comments.

I don't say anything else. I just stand up, shaking slightly, then run.

I run as fast as I can out of the room, ignoring the immediate yelling from behind me.

How did I not remember?

My family?

They can't be d... dead.

I run through the corridors and down flight upon flight of stairs until I somehow manage to reach an exit.

After I burst out through the door, I sprint to the streets and run onto the sidewalk.

"Northside lane?" I read the road sign out loud.

My house isn't too far from here.

My legs seem to register what's happening and I find myself running in the direction of my house before I've fully decided what I'm doing.

I'm sure It's just a joke.

I'll go into the house and they will all be there, mom will be cooking dinner and dad will be helping Kita with his homework.

They'll all laugh and say "Gotcha!" and I'll cry because this was all just a sick joke.

I'm already crying I suppose. I think as my tears flow freely down my cheeks.

I see my street and burst into the fastest run that I can manage in my current condition.

They can't be gone.

They can't be.

I push myself to sprint up the path leading to my front door .and stop abruptly when I see;

There is no front door.

There is police tape crossed in all directions over the door way.

I look into my home with wide eyes and see everything I was praying I wouldn't.

They are gone.

"Hey! Kid, you can't go into that house!" A man yells from the street behind me.

I ignore him and find myself breaking down into a ball on the porch.

They are gone.

My knees are wet from the tears but I don't care. I hear people above me, concerned voices wondering why I'm crying and injured (from yesterday's events.)

I don't listen to any of them.

I just sit there and cry because now I know that, they are gone and they are never coming back.

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