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Aya's POV

After Tamaki finally puts me back down I realise that I don't know how long I've been here for.

"Wait a second. What time and day is it?" I turn to Haruhi because she seems to be the only sensible one around here.

"Oh right! Today is Tuesday, we decided to keep you here to rest over night in the end due to your injuries. And its almost seven o'clock in the morning." he explains.

WHAT? I've been here for so long! I had to pick up my brother yesterday! And my parents! They must be worried out of their minds!

"Oh god, I really should get home you know? My family will worry and I don't want my brother missing any school or my mom with her work, due to my stupid actions. But yes, I should go." I run around the room hugging everyone in turn.

I notice one of the twins looking at me in a funny way, almost like he's hiding something from me.

"ERM, mr Hitachiin sir? Is there something on my face or...?" I ask, gradually getting angrier. I don't like having things kept from me.

His eyes widen in shock and an immediate blush spreads over his cheeks.

"Oh, it's nothing." he looks away but I notice the other twin elbowing him slightly in the ribs.

Okay then?

"Alrighty then! I best be off! I can probably even make it to school at this rate. Oh yeah! That reminds me, what school do you all go to? I noticed that your all wearing the same uniform so-" Tamaki steps in- well, it's sort of more like a slide in -cutting me off.

"My dearest little girl!-"

"I'm not little." I mutter, glaring at him. He doesn't seem to notice.

"We all go to Ouran Academy! You may have heard of it?"

I gasp a little.

Woah, these kids must be loaded! That school is only for the incredibly rich.

"Of course I've hear of it! Ouran Academy is one of the most prestigious schools in Japan, I heard you can only get in if you come from an extremely rich family or if you manage to score a scholarship." I stare in awe at everyone.

"Pretty much, we all come from very wealthy families-" one twin starts, I'm pretty sure I can identify this one as Kaoru.

"-but Haruhi over here is a commoner much like yourself." Hikaru finishes.

COMMONER? I've heard people at my school calling me that before. My family is a little worse off than most of the others at my school, my family can only to afford to send me there because I won a scholarship. Rage flurries through me and before I can stop myself I break into a speech (I'm known for these, I tend to speak my mind without really knowing I'm doing it.

I burst out, "What the heck is up with that term? 'Commoner'? All of you stupid rich people use it all the frigging time. Just because I'm not swimming in money or living in a house with more rooms that a freaking ten story building, doesn't mean you and I aren't any different. We are all humans here. I can't help what family I was born into- nor can anyone else -and I don't wish to be called something different to you just because my family doesn't have a huge amount of numbers in our bank account."

As soon as the words leave my mouth I throw my hands up to cover it tightly.

"I'm sorry Aya! I didn't m-" Hikaru starts

"No! I'm sorry, you've done nothing- I- ugh, it's just the people at my school-" I cut myself off when I see my satchel leaning against a chair by the door, "I think I've over stayed my welcome. Thank you for everything, I owe you big time, all of you."

I rush out from the room, swiping my bag into my hands before I exit.

Weird, no one said anything when I left. Maybe that's a good thing? They all looked so shocked, I suppose it was awful of me to say those things to them. It's just the word 'commoner.' I've hated it from a young age and when I snap, I snap.

After I've left the room, I'm greeted by a large maze of corridors, staircases and doorways.

Okay. One of these must be an exit, or at least lead to one.

I push open doors, sticking my head inside before leaving after seeing no sign of an exit.

Shoot, I'm never getting out of here. I guess I could ask for directions to the front door.

I go back to the room I originally came from and walk in timidly. What I see shocks me.

Everyone is gathered around that twin- Hikaru -they all look terrified, that Mitskuni kid even appears to be crying.

What are they doing? Is he telling them a horror story or something?

"Sorry to interrupt..." I say from the door. They all swivel around, shocked, and stare at me wide eyed, "I was just wandering if I could have directions to an exit?"

"AYA-CHAN!" Mitskuni runs over to me and throws his arms around my waist.

How old is this kid even? Eight? Ten at the oldest for sure.

"Mitskuni, this is your house right? Maybe you cou... Hey kid, are you okay?" I wipe away the tears from his cheeks and smile softly to comfort him, "What's going on?"

I look up at the others and scan their faces.

They all look so sad- excluding the Kyoya guy, who looks expressionless -maybe Hikaru was delivering bad news.

"Ayame, I think you should come over here and sit for a moment." Kyoya gestures to a chair by the side of the bed.

"Okay?" I walk confusedly over to the chair and sit with my bag on my lap.

"There is no easy way to say this Ayame." Haruhi sits on the bed, looking me straight in the eyes, "This is all so sudden, we only got fully introduced less than twenty minutes and we really shouldn't be the ones telling you this. We shouldn't have to be because it never should have happened. Ayame. Your family is dead."

I slid from the chair and hit the floor, hard. I hear everyone calling my name but I just ignore them. Tears stream down my face and soon enough I'm sobbing.

It isn't true, It can't be. My sweet little brother, my strong mother, my father who- despite being without a job -always smiled.

They are gone?

I refuse to believe it. I won't believe it.

I won't.

And my mind went blank.


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