Chapter 13

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(Mason's POV)

Three weeks.

That's how long I've been gone.

I bolted the day after I talked to Theo. I had to get out of town. I had to clear my head. I needed to get rid of all distractions in my life and reset.

So, I went to Baton Rouge.

Thankfully, my brother Kyle has an off campus house and an extra room I have been able to lay low in. The perks of being my parents favorite, not to mention the youngest child.

I sent a text to Theo, telling him I'd be out of touch for a while. Then I turned my phone off.

I didn't want to hear from him and more importantly, I didn't want to hear from Nikki.

I know what I told Theo, that I'd talk to her. I said that more to get him off my jock than anything. I didn't mean it. I have no intention of talking to her again, no matter how much it kills me. She deserves to be safe and happy. I can only provide half of that.

No, I won't talk to her. I won't put her in a position to be hurt or worse.

Instead I have turned into the couch potato in my brother's house. I spend my days sprawled on the couch, binge watching Netflix and stuffing my face with less than healthy foods, when I eat at all. I'll order pizza here or Chinese food there, and drink beer to my heart's content. My beard looks like something a mountain man would wear. Grizzly Adams, eat your heart out.

Currently, I was taking up residence on the couch, per the usual, and stuffing my face with the last of Kyle's pizza rolls. He's gonna be so pissed. Like I give a shit.

I had just finished the plate of pizza rolls and the last can of beer from the fridge when I heard Kyle's keys in the front door.

I braced myself for the bitch fest about to come my way.

He walked to the fridge, opening the freezer and groaned loudly when he found it empty. "For Christ's sake, Mason, can't you at least text me when we're out of shit?"

"I don't know where my phone is. Sorry." I retort, scrolling through Netflix to find another series to watch.

"Fuck, the beer's gone, too?"

Kyle came into the living room and I spared him a glance. Damn, he looks pissed. Time for damage control before he decides to kick my ass to the curb.

"I'm sorry, bro. Hand me your phone and I'll get some stuff delivered. On my dime."

Kyle scribbled out a short list of things we need in the house, handing it to me as well as his phone. "You better make sure we get stocked up, Mase. Maybe you should have them send you a razor and some soap while you're at it. You reek, bro."

I rolled my eyes, giving Kyle a withering glare. "Fuck off. I'm not that bad."

"Sure, to a pack of wolves. I bring chicks in here, man. I don't need your raunchy BO messing shit up."

"Like you need me to mess up your game."

Kyle flipped me off as he hopped up off the couch, heading towards his bedroom. "I'm gonna take a shower. I'm sweaty as hell from soccer practice. Make sure that shit's here when I get done. I'm starving."

With that he disappeared into his bedroom.

I rubbed my face with my hands tiredly. I've barely slept in weeks. My nightmares are back full force and the last thing Kyle needs is me waking him up on the regular because of it.

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