Chapter 1

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(Mason's POV)

I sat at the desk in my office after locking the front doors of the gym, trying to organize some files that need to be transferred into the computer. I closed my eyes, resting my elbows on my desk, rubbing my temples. All of the lack of sleep was catching up to me.

I jumped when the door flew open and my business partner/best friend Theo Baxter entered the office. He had one of his infamous, Cheshire cat grins on his face. "You and I are going out." He was already dressed to go out, wearing black acid wash jeans, a white, tight V-neck t-shirt, a gray pinstriped blazer and his black Converse shoes. His blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his angular chin had a light stubble on it.

I glowered at him and shook my head, "Absolutely not. I have all of these files to take care of and I have to return at 5am tomorrow. You wanna go? Knock yourself out."

Theo rolled his eyes, making his way around the desk, hauling me out of the chair. "Nope, I'm not taking no for an answer this time. You're going upstairs to shower and change, and we're going to get you out there. You're too damn grumpy, man. You need to find a woman and get laid."

I sighed as he led me out of the office, to the back stairway that would take me up to my loft apartment above our gym. I knew any other protests would be futile. Theo took it upon himself to drag me out to a bar every few months, thinking that he could set me up with a woman and that my life would have new meaning, or some other crap. I knew better. Nobody could replace Taylor.

Heaving another sigh, I made my way back to my bedroom, opening the closet to find a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark blue, button down shirt. After grabbing a pair of boxers out of my dresser, I entered the bathroom to take a quick shower before getting dressed. I brushed through my long, dark hair, throwing it up into a bun. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. There were bags under my dark brown eyes and my beard was a bit scruffy. I decided to leave the beard alone. Not like I was trying to impress anyone. I used my favorite cologne, dressed, and returned to the living room area as I rolled the sleeves of my shirt up to my elbows, to find Theo snooping through my mail. "What is your problem? Do you have no concept of boundaries?"

Theo grinned, shaking his head, "Since when do we have boundaries? It's not like I don't know everything about you, jackass." Theo gave me a once over. "Glad to see you're taking this seriously this time. I figured I'd have to make you go back and change out of gym shorts and a t-shirt as usual."

"I decided to save us the time. I knew that anything less than this would be subject to complaint. Let's go get this over with, Theo. I'm tired."

"You'll thank me for this one day, Mase. I promise you that." Theo led the way out of the loft, then through the side door of the building, walking to the front of the building, where he had an Uber already waiting for us. We both climbed inside and Theo gave the driver the address of the bar he frequented, leaning back and pulling out his phone, typing in a text, probably to one of his many women. Theo had what he liked to call his 'rotation'. Several different women he would give just enough attention to, to keep them interested, before moving onto the next one. That's just who Theo is, a player through and through.

We finally arrived at the bar and Theo stepped out of the Uber, waiting for me to follow suit. I led the way inside, per Theo's request. He figured I might make a run for it if he didn't keep me in sight. To be fair, he was probably right. I dread doing this each and every time he makes me go. I have no interest in scouring the bar for women. That's his thing. I'm content with my life the way it is.

I spot a booth in the back corner of the bar, making a beeline there and sliding into the bench seat, my back to the rest of the patrons of the bar. Theo slid in on the opposite side, smiling charmingly at the waitress who approached us. She batted her fake eyelashes and leaned in to hear Theo's words as he gave her our drink orders. I gave her a forced smile, more of a grimace really, as she walked away to get our beverages.

Theo sighed and leaned forward so I could hear his words over the noise of the bar. "Would it kill you to try, Mason? I mean, I think that chick was pretty and she seemed sweet. Totally your type. With a little convincing, she probably would've put out."

I shook my head, "Theo, why is it so hard for you to understand that I don't want to find a girl? I like things the way they are. I don't need to screw everyone with tits to be happy."

Theo chuckled, "I don't screw everyone with tits, man. I do have some standards." Theo looked around the bar, apparently looking for an example. With an eye roll, he leaned back after perusing the 'selection'. "Go figure the women in here wouldn't provide me with an example. They're all hot."

I snorted, "You are such an ass." Before I could say anything more, the waitress returned with our beers. I thanked her politely and saw her smile before heading off to take another table's order. I would give Theo this much, she was very pretty.

We passed the next few minutes chatting about our day at the gym. We had quite a few new members join and a few of them wanted personal trainers. We, of course, would find a way to oblige. Even if we had to employ more people. The quality of the training we provide is of utmost importance.

It wasn't more than twenty minutes before I found I was losing Theo's attention. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, whistling, "Earth to Theo! Hello, still talking here!"

Theo held up a hand to quiet me and said, "Man... look at those hotties that just got here."

I turned my attention to the bar, seeing the two women who Theo was indicating immediately. One had long, auburn hair that sat at her mid back, flowing down in soft waves. She was wearing a black, shimmery cocktail dress, and black stiletto heels that wrapped around at the ankle. She had toned, tan legs and I could practically hear Theo panting across from me. The other woman had straight black hair that came down just past her shoulder blades. She was wearing a red dress that came down to her mid-thigh and hugged her curves beautifully. She wore a pair of silver heels that made her athletic legs appear longer than they were. I turned back to Theo, shaking my head inwardly as I saw him sliding out of the booth. "Where the hell are you going? I swear, Theo, if you ditch me again I won't be coming out anymore. I mean it this time."

Theo smiled as his light blue eyes twinkled with mischief. "I swear, man, I won't ditch you. I'm going to go see if I can get a couple of numbers, though. I'll be back." With those words, Theo made his way over to the bar. I debated watching him making a fool of himself or keeping to myself and finishing off my beer. In the end, I moved to the other side of the booth so I could watch him crash and burn. I may as well get some enjoyment out of tonight.

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