Can She Stay?

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Chapter 6

A/N::: Okay so I’ve been getting some comments about how people don’t get parts of my story. If you don’t get it then comment about the parts you don’t get so I can fix them. Also if anyone reading this would like to become my editor I would LOVE that. Special shoutout to you Chloeerebecca J. Okay heres the story!

“Something wrong Cal?” Zayn asks.

“Wha- NO!” I say a little too forced. The boys all look at me oddly.

“Okay…” Says Niall. “Now let’s get food.” Everyone agreed and Harry took out a menu. We decided on a whole lot of junk food, candy, and soda. After we we’re all full, I get up.

“Where you going, Love?” Harry asks.

“Bathroom.” I reply.

“Me too.” Harry says, and follows me up the rows. When we finally get there, there’s a huge line. In front of us is an older man with long, scraggly hair. Harry and I are squished between the rows.

“What a cute little couple.” The man wheezes.

“Oh um-“ Harry starts.

“We’re not a couple.” I stutter, blushing.

“You should be couple.” He coughs. I stare at Harry. He stares back at me. I am not falling for him. I can’t have a boyfriend. Especially not Harry Styles. I have seen the hate Eleanor and Danielle get. I couldn’t handle that. Plus, Harry Styles would never date me. I’m stupid for thinking I would even get a chance with him. No.  When my turn finally arrives,  I go quickly and am out in no time. I walk back down the row when I get back, I can’t see the boys.  All I see is the small mob of fans surrounding them.

“Oh crap.” I mutter quietly. I try and push the fans away from my seat. It doesn’t work.

“Callie!” I hear one of the boys yell. Must be Liam.

“I’m coming boys!” I yell. I start pulling girls out of the way.

“Please, leave us alone!” They beg. The girls continue to swarm until security arrives. After all the girls settle down I sit down and strap myself in.

“You were no help.” Mutters Louis.

“I’m sorry; I have no experience in getting mobs away from One Direction.” I say sarcastically.  The boys smile at me and Harry chuckles.

“You call that a mob?” He asks. “You should see us on a normal day.” Now it’s my turn to chuckle. The rest of the plane ride passes quickly, and before I know it, we’re ready to get off.

“Finally.” Zayn mutters. We all stretch and before I can do anything, Harry grabs my bags from the overhead bin.

“Thank you sir Harry.” I say in my best fake British accent.”

“You are so welcome.” He says in an American accent. I laugh and take my bags from him. Off the plane and into the tunnel we go, and as soon as we’re in the open airport, we are practically attacked by reporters and fans. Harry grabs my hand.

“Cover your face.” He says, and I pop the hood of my sweatshirt up.

“Harry! Who is that! Is she your GIRLFRIEND?” Reporters scream.

“Harry is MINE!” Fans yell.

“Back off Harry is MINE!” Others yell. This is even too much to handle. We’re just holding hands and girls are screaming at me for being close to a boy that they are in ‘love’ with. I follow the boys through the airport to a back door. On the way, we grab our luggage.

“There you are boys!” Paul, their manager, yells. “Harry, who is this?” He asks, pointing to me.

“Paul, Callie. Callie, Paul.” He says.

“WE’RE HAVING A SLEEPOVER PARTY!” Louis yells. Yup, still yelling.

“But Boys-“ Paul starts before being cut off.

“Pwease Paul?” All the boys cry with puppy dog faces.

“Can we keep her?” Harry begs. “Please please please please please can we keep her.”

“Well-“ Paul starts again.

“YAY!” the boys all yell. I smile at Paul.

“So Callie, what brings you to London?” He asks.

“Just… and adventure.” I say.

“Well with these boys, you’ll sure get your wish.” He says. I just smile at him. I sure hope so.

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