PART 1- Starcrossed: Chapter 1

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-Hermione POV-

I sigh.

No more worrying about Voldemort.

No more stress about horcruxes.

No more heartbreak or death related to the Dark Lord.

Sure there are deranged Death Eaters still running around, trying to convince muggles and wizards alike that the Dark Lord will rise again, but that is a farce and everyone knows it.

I stare at the wall that separates me from the platform where the Hogwarts Express awaits. This year will be my last at Hogwarts. My last with my friends. My last with my professors and ghosts and houses. I can barely contain my excitement for the new year.

Okay, maybe it's not that hard to contain my 'excitement.'

I try to push away the sad thoughts as I mentally prepare to run straight ahead into a wall with hundreds of muggles streaming past me.  No big deal.

I finally bolt past the muggles and throw myself onto Platform 9 3/4. It is packed like never before, and I see many returning students from the Battle of Hogwarts, omitting most of the Slytherins. The thought that most of them are afraid to come back because of the ridicule and hatred that follows them makes my heart sad. No one should have to feel that way because of a select few students.

Ever since Hogwarts was attacked and Harry defeated Voldemort, no wizard really knew what else to do, so they made up their minds to rebuild the most famous school of them all.

I look around for Harry and Ron when I see a sudden flash of flaming red hair.

"Ginny?" I shout over the noise. "Ginny!"

"HERMIONE!" My close friend shouts in excitement as she runs up and embraces me.

"I've missed you." Ginny sobs.

I only laugh, "I stayed with you all summer Ginny." She straightens after we pull apart from the hug.

"Not for the last two weeks. No!" She pouts. I had traveled back to my home in London to try to get my parents to remember that they had a daughter, only the counter-curse didn't work. They had slammed the door in my face. I tried again and again, only to end up with the same result as before. I didn't have time to get professional help before the Express left for Hogwarts, so I had to leave them with a carefully-worded note that held an explanation about who I was. Hopefully I could contact them soon.

Ginny grabs my hand and snatches me away from the memory.

"Come on!" She shouts. "Ron and and Harry are already aboard. They sent me to fetch you!"

I roll my eyes. Of course. But I yearned to see Ron and Harry again. Being away from them for two whole weeks was too much for me to bear. I needed them during those hard times.

I made sure my skirt was an appropriate length as Ginny dragged me along. I take one last glimpse of the platform and what I see is a recognizable blond staring after me.

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