Chapter 6

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Draco POV

I sling my pack over my shoulder and saunter down to my first class of my final year at Hogwarts- Potions. Perfect.

That was my top marked class and had the highest score on my O.W.L.S.

I halt when arriving in the main hallway. It was completely packed. Headmistress McGonagall seems to have returned to her post directing new and returning students to their classes. That woman could do anything.

I finally manage to squeeze into the crowd. Each step only bought me three inches. The air in the castle was already want, but the sheer body heat made the temperature unbearable- every person would be sweating through their robes.

Every person has chosen to ditch wearing the thick material and carry the wicked thing around the school until it was required.

Well, every person except Hermione Granger.

She was across the hallway in her usual thick sweater and knee high socks. Her poofy brown hair framed her face in thick waves. I did not see on glisten or shine on her tan skin. I chuckled. Her arms were full of books and she appeared to be freaking out because Weasley seemed to have forgotten all his books in the dorms.

He seemed to be pleading for her forgiveness, and she was annoyed beyond compare. It probably wasn't over just a little thing like forgotten books. She needs a guy with boundaries and standards, like her. Like me.

Wait, what?

I shake my head and tread to the dungeons. I enter and see the bright and shining Professor Slughorn at his post. I slam my books onto a table, but he seems to be occupied by his most shining student, Potter.

I shake my head solemnly. Professor Snape was so much more talented that this old coot. I was about to drown in my own guilt until the door slammed open. Everyone jumped.

Granger girl was standing in the middle of the doorway, embarrassed. Her face turned red and she quickly apologized. She took the seat in the front while I sat in the very back.

Once class started, we were interrupted by the door once again being slammed open.

"Good heavens," Professor Slughorn barks, then quickly fixed his tone upon noticing how the source of the sudden noise.

Each head turned to see Headmistress McGonagall. She motions for me and Hermione out into the hall.

We exchange a confused look, but decide to follow. These little stolen glances together has been building up our "acquaintance" for quite a while now. We stand a few feet away from each other in the hall and wait for the Headmistress to clear up the misunderstanding in the classroom.

Hermione awkwardly clears her throat and I scratch the back of my neck. We soon catch each other's gaze and laugh. The uncomfortable atmosphere is broken.

I notice the way the corners of her eyes bunch together when her lips part to laugh.

"Good! It seems you both are in a steady relationship of some sort. Half of my work is done," Headmistress McGonagall says as she rubs her hands together. She hands Hermione a map from her robe pocket.

"Your entire morning is scheduled for you two, as Head Girl and Boy, to make sure you memorize your evening routes throughout the school. The map is quite clear and if there are any complications, the password to my office is 'Farewell'."

The Headmistress turns to me, handing me a key, then one to Hermione. "Here are the spare keys for every lock in the school. It is a privilege so don't you dare take advantage of the responsibility. Also, your individual Head dormitory passwords are both the same as mine at the moment. Understand?"

We both nod and tuck our keys into a trustworthy place. I choose my belt loops. As good a place as any.

"Good. Now, I trust you both completely," she doesn't falter in her words, even when she glances at me at the last word. "Just don't screw it up. Good day!" The Headmistress waves us away and strides to her new office.

Hermione and I are left standing in the hallway, again awkward as a boat-load of new responsibilities are placed on our shoulders.

The silence continues for a few minutes as Granger sorts through the papers given to her by the Headmistress.

Hermione speaks up first. "Well, isn't this exciting?"

On look at her face and I can tell she's completely serious. Of course Granger is glad that she's been trusted with new responsibilities. As for me? I do not know how to feel at this point.

"Oh yes. Of course. What is our first route?" I manage to choke out, my first real words of the morning.

Granger tilts her head down to the map. "It looks like the Slytherin Common Room Corridor and dungeon route is the first on the list," she squints up at me to make sure I understand.

"Oh! Yes, yes! I... uh... I will lead the way!" I splutter out my words, I don't know what on earth is happening to me.

She nods, waiting, and I realize that I need to move my limbs in order to lead her to the Slytherin corridor. Moving stiffly, we walk beside each-other. Granger is absorbed in the map's writings, probably memorizing the path perfectly.

I can't help admiring her rosy cheekbones as they contrast her face in the sunlight. Her frizzy hair is pinned to where her entire face is shown completely. Her eyes -Merlin's beard- her eyes are the warmest things I have ever seen.

I didn't care anymore that I was thinking about her this way. No harm done in thinking, right?

The spark in my heart is soon obvious in my eyes. How this happened practically overnight I can't explain. However, the feeling of comfort that spread over my skin when I saw her I can explain.

I now look forward to the nights walking the halls with her. This warmness was nowhere close to love, but I could not stop thinking about growing a close friendship with this amazing Gryffindor.

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