Chapter 8

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Hermione POV

The trek to the Black Lake was both interesting and a breakthrough mixed together. It was silent when Draco and I first began to walk through the sunshine on dusty paths through the forest, but when my clumsy feet decided to trip over a stick, we instantly started to bond. "Woah there, Granger," Draco said when he offered me a hand. "What did the stick ever do to you?" I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically," Very funny," while dusting off my sweater and skirt. Draco and I shared yet ANOTHER awkward staring contest until he decided to ask a serious question for me. "Why do you wear those clothes in eighty degree weather?" He looked quite confused and curious as well. I opened my mouth, then closed again. Why did I? I usually just didn't mind the temperature, I suppose, but that didn't quite feel like the right answer. What if the right answer was laughed at by him. What if.... What if... What if it didn't matter? "I...Er...," was what I managed my vocal cords to shove out. Malfoy only tilted his head,"Oh, come on Granger, it can't be that bad, can it? Can't you trust me?" He said with the utmost sincerity, so I could tell he wasn't trying to trick me. Did I trust him? Has he done anything particularly harmful to me or my friends? I reviewed the year so far in my head -which wasn't a lot- and couldn't find any substantial evidence. I would have to think about it more. Not wanting to stand through another silence filled staring contest, I finally spill, but it all comes put in a panicked, one-sentence breath. "Iamjustself-conscienceandcoveringeverythingupisjusteasierbecauseihatemyselfsometimesandwanttobesurethatiamloved" I say. It was much more than I expected myself to reveal, but my tongue just doesn't know when to stop sometimes. At least I dodged the second question. Draco's curious expression morphs into one of bewilderment. "You've changed since the Battle. Before, you were a fearless little brainiac who didn't really care what others thought. Now you are still the brainiac but trying to force your way into something not healthy." I don't know Wha surprised me more- that I, Hermione Granger, being lectured by Draco Malfoy or the fact that all he said was true. "All I have left to say on the subject is that you cannot hate yourself and expect someone to love you. You love yourself first. Self love isn't always conceit," he nodded to me and turned towards the end of the path, then started to casually stroll down it like the conversation we just had never happened. Who knew he had that in him? To comfort me -a.... Mudblood- and not be ashamed. I rushed to catch up to him, and he looked down at me, a smile in his eyes. At that moment I could tell he would keep my confession secret. We paved out of the forest path and were hit by beaming rays if sunlight. The Black Lake was sitting perfectly still right in front of us. "Let's go, Granger. I have more questions for you." He winks on you and bounds off to the waters edge. I stand there, astonished and my mouth hanging wide open. He was being so friendly. It was like he wanted us to be friends. And I thought trying to defend him would be going too far. I shake my head to focus once more and smile. I was totally okay with that. One more friend. One more trust bearing piece of my life here at Hogwarts. "Wait up, Malfoy!" I yell to him, and he turns, smiling a crooked, pale smile. As the sun heated down on us at the Black Lake, I basked in the light of my newfound trust.

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