Chapter 18

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Hermione POV

I cringe at the horrible hissing sound from the darkness. It seemed familiar, but I couldn't place it with a face. I stared at Draco, his face showing pure rage. We immediately jump onto our feet, facing the dark shadows of the Forbidden Forest. The snap of a twig caused Draco to instinctively wrap his right forearm around my front, pushing me behind him. For the next few seconds he stood there glaring at the darkness.

"Who is It?" I whisper into Draco's ear, and he gives me a worried glance, like I should know. Should I know?

At another crunch of leaves, Draco takes a cautious step forward. "How did you find me?" He growls. I stand still, afraid for what might come next.

Raspy laughter echoes off the trees. "You know my ways, son. I have my sources." I can only see Draco from the back, but I notice his shoulders tense.

"Son.." I whisper, mainly to myself. Draco inches forward, but is shot backwards onto the ground with a "STUPEFY!" from the mysterious voice.

"Draco!" I cry, and try to run over to him, but he hold up his hand to stop me.

"I'm fine," he moans and slowly stands.

After more cackling from the forest, a tall, bony figure emerges. I suppress a scream.

I did know who it was.

"Lucius," I mumble, getting woozy. How did he escape from Azkaban?

"Yes, stupid mudblood. It is I," he cackles while brushing off his torn and dirt-caked suit. He must have stolen it after he had escaped. His blond hair was long and stringy, emphasizing the prison look.

Draco whips out his wand and points it at his father, face filled with anger. "Don't call her that," he firmly says, slowly controlling his anger.

"Oh, Draco. I can't believe you have sunken this low," Lucius frowns.

"Really, Father? That's funny coming from you. Where did the superior pureblood go?" Draco seethes. He subtly glances my direction and nods his head in the direction of the tree. He wanted me to do a sneak attack.

I nod, discreetly pulling out my wand and very slowly inch toward the tree near Lucius.

"I actually do want to have a little chat with you, son. I need aid. And I know you'll help me." Lucius grins confidently, looking like he's already won.

I am half-way to the tree, and am surprised he hasn't noticed yet. I use he shadows to my advantage.

Draco scowls,"You assume too quickly, Father," and raises his wand a little higher. Then they both have an intense staring contest, pointing their wands at each other, waiting for someone to make the first move.

I choose to focus on the tree. It is so close now. I can practically touch it! I actually think I can make it until Lucius' voice shouts at me. "Where do you think you're going, filthy little mudblood?" He shouts, shooting a curse at me. "CRUCIO!" I fall to the ground, writhing in pure agony. It feels like fire is spreading across my body, and my bones being crushed slowly. I scream, twisting and turning.

"Hermione!" Draco yells. He turns to his father with hatred embedded into his features. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL HER THAT!" Draco bellows, eyes on fire now. "SECTUMSEMPRA!" he screams, shooting it towards his father. Lucius is forced to block the spell, cutting off the cruciatus curse. I cough and clench my stomach, trying to get my breathing under control. My vision is blurry, and I try to focus on the scene in front of me. I struggle to support my body with my hands and the last thing I remember is Draco roaring, and racing towards his father to knock him over, but Lucius wasn't focused on him. He was staring directly at me.

"Draco," I cough, trying to warn him, but it's too late. Lucius apparates over to me and grabs my wrist.

Then everything went dark.

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