PART 2: Crisis Chapter 25

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Hermione POV

I hit some sort of wall surrounding Hogwarts.

"Right," I sigh. "No apparating to Hogwarts. Why did I think that would work?"

I shake my sore head, and lean against a tree, shivering. My extremely ripped costume doesn't provide much protection from the chilly wind.

I look up from my outfit to observe my situation. A dense, colored wood surrounds me with small babbling brook running through it. A faint light shines through the treetops, and the animals around me burrow and play.

I spot a pair of rabbits by the brook. They lovingly snuggle up next to another, like an old couple. My eyes start burning, and I flinch away from the sight.

One tear falls. And another.


Betrayal stings my heart, over and over again, but I don't know why exactly. My memory is failing me. Has failed me. I don't clearly remember anything since the start of term.

Why should I feel so much betrayal from Draco kidnapping me? It's not like I wasn't aware of all his actions against me. If anything I should feel the opposite.

But my heart, it's screaming. The dramatic irony is frustrating me and more tears fall.
I slide my back down the tree until I'm in fetal position, trying to minimize the space I take up in this place.

Why do I feel regret?

No, not regret. Something worse.

Like something was stolen from me. Something precious.

I raise my head up, anger filling me on the inside.

"I will find out what happened to me, no matter what the cost," I whisper, and the rabbits turn in my direction, tilting their little heads in confusion. "Justice will come to whomever wronged me."

I saw Draco in that cave, but something in me rejects the idea of him hurting me, even though the evidence against him is astounding. But there was another voice, another face. It's features were blurred and voice disguised by my own brain.

I harshly wipe away my tears and pull my self away from the tree. I stand, half exposed, in the middle of the forest -God forbid it from being the Forbidden- with a tear-stained face and faulty memories.

I hobble along, everything sore. It'll be a while before I can arrive anywhere useful, much less Hogwarts. The castle is nowhere in sight.

I travel for what seems like an hour before I hear a suspicious noise.

"Hrmonrien," a voice utters softly.

I pause momentarily, but shake my head and start shuffling again.

"Now your hallucinating, Hermione. Fantastic," I mutter sarcastically.


I stop dead in my tracks. The voice is louder now.


I desperately turn in all directions, trying to pick up any signs of the voice's origin.

" 'Mione!"

I jump backwards in surprise, hitting my head on the tree behind me. The voice was yelling at me.

"Here... Over here," I croak. Hoping the mysterious voice could hear.

A figure is running towards me. The impact on my head is taking its toll and I can just make out the figure's flaming hair.

"Hermione! Oh, bloody hell. Hermione...," the male voice says.

I am drifting but can focus enough on the figure's face to recognize it.


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