Chapter 15

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Draco POV

[The night before Halloween]

"Crap," I mutter as I crumple another letter from my father. He urges me to help him, to meet him this night instead of the next, now threatening to hurt the people I love... But that's the problem with his plan. He doesn't know who is close to me anymore. An empty threat really.

I survey the hallways, on my nightly round. Hermione had a different path tonight, which made me a little upset. But no matter. I just had to plan out the picnic. I hope she doesn't have high standards for dates.

I spot my friend, Theo, sitting at the end of the hall alone. I tilt my head, walking closer to him.

I met Theo about one month after the Battle ended, so I had time to get to know him. His parents were in Azkaban, and his siblings dead. He had been in Slytherin with me every year since First year, but I never noticed him. His big burly frame and bear sized hands were enough to turn anyone off. But his square glasses and curly brown hair made him look more like a nerdy bear.

"Theo? What are you doing out this late?" I ask, bending down to meet his eyes.

Theo shakes his head, burying his face in his hands. "Like you don't know."

I am confused now. "Come on mate, what is it?"

"This is it isn't it? The part where you torture me?" His voice shakes.

"Uh, are you drunk lad? Why would I torture you?" I try to play of my worry with pestering, but it doesn't work.

Theo snaps up his head, pure fury in his eyes. "Why? WHY? Stupid Malfoy's and always pretending to be your closest friend. And BAM, you get betrayed. Your just like your father Malfoy!" He stands, sizing me up and forming fists. I know my father did something horrible to his father when they went to school, but why would he think about that now?

Theo's robe sleeve slips, revealing at least four long knife slashes. They are bloody and raw.

"Theo! Tell me what's happening to you!" I yell, grabbing the back of his wrist.

"LET GO OF ME TRAITOR! Why did you help him escape? WHY?" He takes out his wand, letting fresh blood drip onto the floor.

I take a step back, slowly reaching behind me to my back pocket. "I didn't help anyone escape from anywhere." I say calmly. "Just put down you wand and we can talk about this on the way to the hospital wing, okay?"

Theo's eyes flash with loathing. "EXPELLIARMUS!" He yells, but I block the spell. He fires off another one, and I dodge. "You have to pay for wrongdoings, Malfoy! You can't let others take the fall for you!"

"Why do I have to pay?" I shout, blocking more of Theo's spells. "What did I do?"

Theo screams and tries to knock me over. I dodge again, because his larger frame isn't that speedy. "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" I yell, aiming at Theo. His facial features scrunch up and falls forward with a sickening CRUNCH.

"Mate!" I yell, sliding beside him. I flip him over to inspect the injuries. I let out a breath of relief when I see the crunch I heard was only his boxy glasses breaking under the weight. As I wait for the spell to wear off, I rip off some of his robe sleeve and tie it around his arm where the cuts are. Lifting him up was almost impossible, but after a few minutes I was able to position myself around his burly frame.

"Let's get you fixed up," I mutter as he comes around, too dizzy to protest. I wonder what tomorrow will be like... I have to find out what was going on. It had to be about my dad. Stupid Lucius. I had to meet him now, to get answers. But it wasn't going to be tonight, or the next. Halloween was reserved.

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