Chapter 5

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Hermione POV

The carriage ride was an interesting one.

I tried to talk about subjects that would interest Malfoy, out of kindness. He would politely but awkwardly indulge me with an answer.

Ron kept huffing and rolling his eyes like he was the one with the privilege of conversing with Malfoy. Why couldn't he just relax for one minute? I admit, I still have a hard time forgiving Malfoy for seven years of torture, but sometimes a person needs to embrace their Hufflepuff side and forgive.

Ron definitely is going to have a difficult time to forgive. He could barely tolerate riding in the same carriage as him. However, I am set on teaching him how to forgive.

Harry and I try to convince him to have compassion, but he barely heeds our voices.

Our group of five set our luggage in the halls of Hogwarts castle and jog to the Welcoming Feast- actually witnessing the Sorting Ceremony for the first time in forever. This group is a large one- it must have been hard on Hagrid to settle them into the boats.

The air in the hall is warm and comforting. We sit near the back, knowing Harry probably didn't feel like gazing upon at the place Professor Dumbledore used to stand...
Instead Professor McGonagall is in his place, taking her job with pride.

She finishes the welcoming speech- The Forbbiden Forest is completely off limits to all students, along with the Astronomy Tower which is still being repaired. But what surprised me is what came next.

"Students! Students! Quiet down, quiet down, if you please. Now here is the announcement of the Head Boy and Head Girl of the school, along with the house prefects," Professor McGonagall announced. I grip the bench and lean closer, even though I could hear fine.

I look to my side for a second, and Ron appears close to tears. His face was all red and sweat rolled from his hairline and eyebrows. I giggled, this was always a dream of his- to be at the top in almost everything. I wished dearly that he would win Head Boy, to put him in a better mood.

I glance over to Draco across the Great Hall. He is tracing circles around the rim of his empty goblet, apparently uninterested.

Professor McGonagall clears her throat and a hush tremors across the hall.

"Ladies first, as always. Head Girl," McGonagall shouts "is Hermione Granger from Gryffindor House! Known for her outstanding performance in academics and extraordinary courage displayed during the Battle of Hogwarts."

I gasp and cover my mouth, holding back tears. Happy tears, that is. I have dreamed about this privilege my entire Hogwarts career. Getting to scold students that are being naughty without being called bossy? Amazing!

Ron leans over and squeezes my shoulders. His freckly face is beaming, and I know he is proud of me.

On the other hand, I can see the worry in his eyes. The worry that he won't be bestowed the special privilege as I have.

I am indicated to stand. At first I'm hesitant, but do it anyways. Everyone claps wildly and even Malfoy rubs his hands together to play off a soft clap.

I sit  and Professor McGonagall clears her throat once more. "Yes, yes, thank you. I'm sure Miss Granger is incredibly honored. Now it is time for Head Boy."

A hush fall across the hall.

"The Head boy is...," she hesitates to straighten the paper, and Ron is nearly on his feet in excitement. "Draco Malfoy from Slytherin House!" the Head Mistress shouts, and hall is almost dead silent except for a few small claps from the Slytherin table.

Ron's face visibly falls and seems to hit the floor. He slowly drags himself down onto the bench.

Everyone's head moves in unison to look at Draco. He is incased in shock, not believing his ears. He slowly stands.


I am cursing the student body for making this scene so cringe-worthy. I finally decide to start the clapping. Harry joins in and Ron slumps lower, bewildered and angry. Soon the entire Hall is erupted in noise and shouts and claps of admiration.

Professor McGonagall quiets us down with the tap of her spoon to her glass.

"Let the feast begin!" She claps and the tables are covered in food from chicken to pudding to roast. I pile my plate up with goodies and am about dig in until I am interrupted by Ron.

"Can you believe that slimeball got Head freaking Boy? What has he done for the school? Oh yeah! Snuck in a whole Death Eater clan and overthrew the school for Voldemort's army!" he is fuming, but trying to play it cool.

"Ron, he's changed. Once he realized what he was doing was wrong, he never wanted to go through with it," I prompted. Ron glares at me. He apparently expected me to agree with him. He looks at Harry for help, but is turned down again.

"Mione's right, mate. Malfoy was practically forced to become a Death Eater for his family reputation. You need to calm down." Ron throws up his hands in defiance.

"I cannot believe you two! He wanted to MURDER us, and probably still does. Ginny!"
He yells and Ginny's head snaps up from her steak.

"Can you believe them!" He gestures to us, but she only shrugs, happily returning to her pudding bowl. "Evil little ferret hasn't gotten the best of me. Probably bribed the school to give him  that awful  position," He mumbles and I slap his shoulder, rolling my eyes at his pride.

I once again glance over to where Malfoy was sitting, but he is missing. I suddenly feel a pang of sadness, but shake myself.

"I can protect Draco's honor, but I am still with Ron," I scold inside my mind. This was supposed to be a happy moment.
Although I feel awful that Ron wasn't Head Boy with me, it doesn't excuse his insolence.

Ron is stabbing his food and I glare at him through the rest of the Welcoming Feast, letting him know how disappointed I was.

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