Chapter 12

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Hermione POV

"You may leave now, Miss Granger," Madame Pomfrey tells me kindly, and I nod politely. "Yes, thank you ma'am," I reply, picking up my books and walking out of the big wooden doors. I look around, and sigh with relief when I didn't see Malfoy there, waiting for me. I duck my head and walk quickly to the Common Room, not wanting to be caught in the middle of more drama. The halls were quiet at this time of night, but the Gryffindor Common Room would still be up, playing card games and cramming for tests. Well, some of them. I smooth down my hair, for it is much puffier than normal. The hospital sheets must have done something to it as I waited for my nose to mend. It only took about ten minutes, but she insisted I rest before I left. I step into the empty courtyard, and quickly run across, fearing random creatures popping out in the darkness. When I finally emerge from the yard, into the corridor where Pansy punched me. My chest bursts with anger towards her, but also shame that I allowed myself to get my nose broken by her! "Ugh," I mutter. Taking a few more steps, I start to feel confident about making it to the Common Room without interruptions until Ron's voice shouts at me from behind. "Hermione! There you are! I've been looking all over for you," he says, jogging up beside me. I sigh turn my face away, not ready to deal with his jealousy at the moment. "'Mione...," he sighs, sounding nervous, not acknowledging that I turned away from him," I want to apologize for acting the way I did at dinner... Just because..You called him D-Draco doesn't mean he's after you, or you to him. I'm sorry," he finishes and tilts my head up to his. I nod and try to look away, but a question is in his mind. The way his eyebrows are set tell me so. "I was in the infirmary," I say bluntly, and start walking again. Ron stands there, stunned and confused, then runs to catch up with me again. "What? Why?" he asks. I stop walking and he stops with me. Looking at my shoes, I answer quietly," Pansy... punched me in the nose, and it broke. So I went to the hospital wing." "Why did she punch you?" Ron whispers. We are getting quieter by the minute. "Because she seemed jealous of Malfoy and I's relationship," I make air quotes with my fingers," doing rounds together at night." Ron's eyebrows furrow. "Was Malfoy there?" He says it louder, like the answer is precious. I nod slowly, but quickly add,"It wasn't his fault, it couldn't have been.. He was falsely accused." Ron didn't seem convinced. "Ron?" I whisper, not wanting him to get upset again. "But it was his fault," he hissed, fists clenching, and I take a tiny step back. "It all fits. He wants you." I shake my head. Ron's getting it all wrong.... Isn't he? "Probably had his hands all over you went he took you to the hospital." I continue to shake my head. "No he-," I stop myself, dumbfounded. "How did you know he helped me to the wing?" I accuse. Ron's ears turn red, and I know immediately. "You knew! You knew Pansy broke my nose and came running after me! But why?" I ask, genuinely wanting the answer. Ron softly kicks at the floor tiles. "I...uh..wanted to be the one to comfort you after you were attacked. To show you that you don't need that Slytherin in your life. He will only hurt you." he utters. My face is flushed with heat, and I stomp up closely to him, pointing furiously. "Listen here Ron, I can walk to the dorms myself without anyone following me around! I am sick and tired of people ganging up on me! And he has a name you know, Draco! Just because we are friends doesn't me I am in love with him and plan to cheat on you! He doesn't even like me all that much." I reveal, but I second guess myself on that last part. Does he even like me? Ron rolls his eyes in a quick motion, trying to make it subtle to where I couldn't catch him. "Listen, 'Mione," he says softly," everyone can see that he fancies you. Pansy told everyone and he didn't exactly deny it..." Lie, I can tell Ron made up that part. His hands were wrung, suggesting the lie. He continues,"And-and I don't know if I can trust you to not fall for him too." My eyes start to water. He doesn't trust me. He doesn't trust ME? After all we've been through? "You know what, Ronald Weasley. If you can't trust me to stay loyal to you in this relationship, then I don't know what to say." I choke out. Ron's eyes are sad, and I rub my face, the tears wiping away. "Maybe we should take a keep our distance.. Not break up...but keep away until we can trust each other.." He says it like it's my fault, and I would have exploded if the sad reality hadn't hit me. He wanted to be with me but not "be with me"? Tears pool my eyes and streak down my face. Ron let's out a frustrated sigh and turns to walk away. "See you in the Common Room.." he notes, and strides away. I slide down the wall and pull my knees against my chest, resting my head between them. I think about what he said about everyone knowing Draco admired me. Everything is changing so quickly, and I can barely keep up. Draco Malfoy fancies me, and I am in a near broken relationship with the only guy I've ever really liked. Am I really that oblivious?

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