Chapter 11

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Draco POV


Lurking the halls is a great comfort nowadays. Pansy will not leave me alone, and her little friends try to relay messages to me when I won't talk to her... Okay, I guess I feel a little bad for shutting her out, but seriously. She is basically stalking me and it's freaking me out. I had to put an end to her harassment. I thought sneaking in the shadows would prevent me being found, but little did I know that Pansy had been following me for the past twenty minutes. "Drakie..?" she mumbled from the darkness, and I shot up in the air at least two feet. My breathing quickened from the surprise when she stepped out into the light. "Drakie, what's happening with you... I'm your girlfriend, and all you do is ignore me..," she continues. I tilt my head from confusion. What made her even think that we ever got back together? Was it something I did? All I can remember doing is being a jerk towards her. I decided to go easy on her this time. "Pansy, dear," her eyes light up, and I realize that was probably a bad way to start this sentence," I don't know what possessed you to think that I still like you in that way, because I don't. I'm sorry. You betrayed my trust and now have issues with that... for multiple reasons..," I say softly. Her eyes begin to tear up, and her voice cracks when she talks. "Who is it?" She says accusingly. I am confused again,"Excuse me?" She shakes her head,"Who is it? Who has taken you away from me?" I am silent, not knowing what to say. "Tell me!" Pansy shouts. "I-I, uh...," I struggle with my words, but am cut off by a sound down the hall. "Ouch! Merlin's beard!" A familiar voice says in a frustrated way. I turn around and my bushy haired geek is bent over the books she dropped, seemingly on her own foot. My eyes widen, and my hands begin to sweat. Hermione looks up, and immediately the uncomfortable atmosphere seeps in her direction. She squirms and stands awkwardly, clutching her books against her chest. Pansy's eyes narrow. "It's her isn't it?" She points at Hermione, and I choke on air. "It's her! That little Mudblood!" she shouts the last word the loudest, and I flinch, the memories flooding back. Hermione's eyes then grow big, and she tries to walk away, but not fast enough when Pansy stomps up to her and punches her in the nose. Hermione let's out a gurgled scream and clutches her face, crumpling to the floor. "'Mione!" I yell, sliding up beside her. Pansy snarls and glares at me. "Soon, you will realize that Mudbloods won't make you happy," she sneers and spins around, storming off. Hermione whimpers and I wrap my arms around her. "It's alright, Granger girl, I'll take care of you." She shivers, revealing the scars on her arm, and I clutch her tighter. "We need to stand, alright, to get you to the hospital wing." She nods and stands on her own, revealing her bloody nose, bent at an odd angle. Her face is tear stained, but she seems to have regained her stature. We hobble off to the wing and she covers her nose again. "I-it's broken," she mumbles. My heart reaches out to her, and I feel suddenly guilty for dragging her into my problems like this. "I'm sorry, I am so so sorry, Hermione," I whisper, clutching her other hand. Her eyes are straining against the light, and my chest heaves. I can't stand to see her like this.  I lead her into the wing and Madame Pomfrey shoos me out after I explain what happened. Hermione gives me a glance asking why I even care as the doors close. "Oh darling, I care," I whisper.

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