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Rachel's Pov:

Now that I have the chance to meet EXO, I can finally focus on studying. I've been so busy with trying to get EXO tickets that I haven't been focusing on school lately. As I was walking onto campus, I bumped into a girl wearing a white uniform, indicating that she's from section A. I am from Section B so I wear a black uniform.  The impact was so hard we both hit the ground hard.
"Ahhh!" The girl shouted. 
"PARK YOON MI! Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I heard a girl shout from the distance.
"I told you not to call me that, Bella." Section A girl said.
By this time, a crowd has already gathered around us. The girl named Bella helped the other girl, Park Yoon Mi, I think that was her name, up off the ground and checked her for bruises. Section A girl (I'm gonna call her that from now on) looked over at me and said, "I'm really sorry.... Are you ok?"
I quickly apologized and walked away before she could question me any further.


The bell rang and everyone ran up to their classes. My next class was science. I hate science. It's my worst subject. Music is my favorite, but they ran out of space in that class so I couldn't take it :(. Luckily I have science with my best friend John. The only  good thing about my day is seeing John.
Our teacher walked in quickly announcing that we have a pop quiz.
"John! What do I do? I'm gonna fail!" I whispered to John who was sitting next to me.
"You're gonna be fine. I promise." John reassured me.
I smiled at him as the teacher was passing out the quizzes.
The quiz was 50 questions. *lowkey want to jump out the window* 

~~~~~~~30 mins later~~~~~~~
I was the last one to finish her quiz. As usual. Our teacher collected our tests and left us to study for the last 15 min of class.
"How'd you think you did?" John asked me.
"I'm pretty sure I failed...." I responded with a pouty face.
"I'm sure you did fine." John smiled at me and got up and walked to the cafeteria for lunch.

I got up from my seat and slowly walked to the cafeteria. John has a meeting with the GSA (gay straight alliance) club so I usually eat by myself. But 'not today'. (A/N get it *wink wink*)
"Hey." I turned around and saw the girl I bumped into earlier, smiling at me. She was with her friend, Bella.
"Um... hey," I replied with a small smile, "is this where you guys sit, I'll move."
"No, no, we're here to sit with you." Section A girl smiled widely this time.
"Oh..... ok. Go ahead." I looked her in the eye for a split second and quickly looked back down at my food.
"I'm really sorry for earlier. I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologized again.
"You should really watch where you're going next time. You could've really hurt Franchesca." Bella death stared me.
"Bella, be nice. It was an accident." Franchesca said to Bella.
"It's ok..... umm.... what's your name?" She asked me.
"Rachel Lee."
"Nice to meet you Rachel. I'm Franchesca."
We talked until the end of lunch and turns out that Franchesca, Bella and I have dance together. This is going to be an awkward class period.

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