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Rachel's POV:
I miss Jisung. Why isn't he calling me? I'm so confused. Did something happen to him?
No I can't think like that. I have to think positive. Maybe he's getting ready with his group to debut or something. I suddenly got happy at the thought of him getting to debut.
*riiiinnnggggg* my phone rang.
"Hello?" It was an unknown number.
"Hello is this Lee Seul Bi?" The man on the phone said.
"Yes. May I ask who is speaking?" I asked politely.
"This is Lee Soo Man's personal assistant. I have called you to notify you that you have been accepted into SM Entertainment." The man said.
"OH MY GOSH?!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" I was practically screaming into the phone.
"Hahaha yes. Congratulations. Mr. Lee would like to see you this afternoon at 4pm to discuss your trainee process." He said.
"Thank you so much! Really. Thank you!" I said really excitedly.
He hung up.
I started jumping around my room and screaming and my parents walked in.
"What's wrong sweetie? Are you ok?" My dad asked concerned.
"I'm more than ok. I'm terrific!" I said jumping on my bed.
"What happened?" My Mom asked.
"I GOT INTO SM ENTERTAINMENT!!" I ran and hugged them.
"That's amazing Rachel!!" My Mom said and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"I go by my Korean name now Mom. FYI." And I hugged her again and she chuckled. "I have to go to the company at 4pm today to discuss my trainee process." I informed my parents.
"We are so proud of you princess. And so is your sister." My dad smiled.
I can't believe this is happening right now. Like WHAT THE HECK!! Am I really going to be an idol?
I had so many thoughts in my head. I decided to text Jisung.
"JISUNG-AH!! I GOT INTO SM ENTERTAINMENT!! Can you believe it?!? Ahh I miss you so much! Please call me :(." I sent the message.
Hopefully he'll respond.

Jisung's POV:
I don't know what to do. I'm in LA with my family and Rachel is in Korea missing me. I still can't believe I lied to her. She texts me everyday but I don't have the courage to text her back because I feel like if she finds out where I am, she'll break up with me. I can't let that happen. I love her too much.
*buzz buzz*
My phone went off in my pocket.
It's from Rachel.
"JISUNG-AH!! I GOT INTO SM ENTERTAINMENT!! Can you believe it?!? Ahh I miss you so much! Please call me :(" She said.
I want to tell her that I miss her too. I want to congratulate her on making it into SM. I want to tell her that I love her. But I just can't. Not now. I need to be with Franchesca right now.

Rachel's POV:
It's almost 4pm and I'm looking through my wardrobe to find something to wear.

I chose something casual

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I chose something casual.
I walk downstairs and say bye to my parents and walk out the door.
I make my way to the bus stop. At the bus stop, I start to think about how I got here.
Think about it... if I hadn't gone to the EXO fan meet in LA, I would've never been scouted. I wouldn't have met Jisung.
*buzz buzz*
My phone buzzed and I got my hopes up thinking it was Jisung.
"Hey best friend! You busy?" It was only Jeongin.
"Hey Jeongin. Um yeah I'm actually on my way to SM Entertainment."
"Oh. Waeyo?" He asked.
"Well, here's the thing. The night you met me, I had just come back from an audition at SM and I got a call this morning saying that I got in and now I have to go talk to Mr.Lee about my trainee process!" I said happily.
"OMG REALLY?!? THATS AMAZING SEUL BI!" He replied. "You know I'm a trainee under JYP?"
"No way!" I said. "So you must know DAY6, GOT7, and TWICE?!?" I said excitedly.
"Hahahaha. Yes I do."
"OMG REALLY?!? Do you think you can get me into JYP to meet them?!? Please please please." I was making a pouty face when I realized that we were only texting and he couldn't see me. LOL.
"I can certainly try. No promises though." He said.
"Arraso. Listen I have to go. I'll text you after I find hot details about my trainee process ;)"
"Ok :). Annyeong!" He said.
He's so cute!
By the time I ended our conversation, I had arrived at SM. It was now 3:50pm. I got off the bus and walked towards the building.
I walked through the automatic door and went to the front desk.
"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm here to see Mr. Lee."
"Let me check." She picked up the phone and started to call someone. "Yes Mr.Lee a young lady is here to see you." She said over the phone.
"Ok. I'll send her up right away." She put the phone down.
"Ok so you are going to go to the 6th floor and when you get off the elevator, you are going to find the door that says 'Lee Soo Man' on the front." She smiled.
"Thank you." And I left and went to the elevator.
I pushed the button that said '6' on it and made my way up.
When I got up there, I immediately found the door and knocked.
"Come in!" Mr.Lee shouted.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" I said and bowed.
"How have you been?" He asked me.
"Very well. And you sir?" I replied politely.
"Really good. Thank you." He smiled. "Alright let's get right to business. You are going to train under PLEDIS until I feel you are ready to come to SM and either become a solo artist or part of a group." He said and I started to feel nervous.
PLEDIS?!? OMG SEVENTEEN IS UNDER PLEDIS!! I started to fangirl in my head.
"I don't know exactly how long you are going to train there but the people at PLEDIS already know that you are going to be there for a while. You are going to start training in three weeks. During those three weeks I want you to work hard on your rapping, singing, and dancing. Preparing before actually becoming a trainee will make the first couple of weeks easier. Now, you have been put into a 'pre-debut' group. Those girls will be your family for the time that you are a trainee."
I started to get really excited.
"Do you have any concerns?" He asked.
"No sir. Thank you for making my dream come true." I bowed in my seat.
"It hasn't come true yet. You still have a while to go." He laughed.
"But still, thank you so much."
He got up from his seat and left the room.
I was making my way out of the office and I ran into Chanyeol.
"Hey! Seul Bi-ah!" He shouted down the hall.
"Ch-Chanyeol.... h-hi." I stutter and bowed. My face red with embarrassment.
"Don't be shy around me." He started walking towards me.
"O-ok." I cant stop stuttering.
I'm so happy right now.
All I could do was look at him and smile. Suddenly, Xuimin can out from one of the doors.
"ARRASO! Well I have to go," he moved in closer, "I will see you soon." It felt like he was going to kiss me but then he turned and walked away.
I made my way out of the company and then it started to rain cats and dogs.
"Ahh jinja?!" I shouted.
Then suddenly an umbrella opened above me.
"Annyeong, Seul Bi-ah." It was Jeongin. He smiled widely that I couldn't help but smile back.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I came to get you so we could hang out." He out his arm around me.
I felt really comfortable with Jeongin. I don't why. I've only just met him.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Anywhere." He looked at me while holding the umbrella over our heads.
I just smiled.
We walked for a really long time. But I didn't mind. This is really relaxing.
"So how did it go with Mr.Lee?" He suddenly asked.
"Oh. Good. I start training in three weeks and I'm part of a 'pre-debut' group with a bunch of girls that I haven't even met yet." I replied.
"That's awesome! Are you excited?" He said.
"Very. I can't wait to start!" I got a little to excited and I accidentally ran out into the rain.
"YAH! You're going to catch a cold!" Jeongin yelled and ran over to me and put the umbrella over my head.
"Mian. It was an accident." My entire body was soaking wet and I was cold.
"Let go get you home and into some warm clothes." Jeongin said.
I guess he noticed that I was cold.
"What? Oh. Um sure." I guess that meant that we were going to my house.
~~at home~~
Thank god no one was home when we got there.
"Nice house." He said.
"T-thanks." I said shivering.
"Let's get you into warm clothes." He out his arm around my shoulders and helped me to my room. He could tell that I was weak at the moment.
He ran to my bathroom and grabbed a towel for my hair.
"Here." He handed me the towel.
I reached out my hand to grab the towel but I was shivering so much that I couldn't grab it.
"Let me do it." He insisted.
I let him dry my hair. His hands running through my hair, felt like I had a best friend again. John would run his fingers through my hair all the time. I liked this feeling.
"Now then. Let me grab you some dry clothes and a warm blanket." He said and started looking around my room.
He picked up a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt and handed them to me.
"Put these on." He said and turned and walked out the door to give me privacy.
I put on the clothes and told him he could come back in.
He went to my bed and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me and stood there staring into my eyes.
His eyes are so mesmerizing. NO. BAD SEUL BI. BAD.
I snapped out of it.
"Let's go watch a movie." He smiled and helped me to the couch downstairs.
He turned on the TV and picked a random movie.
I just sat there, wrapped up in my blanket.
"Come sit next to me. You'll be warmer." He smiled.
I sat closer to him and he put his arm around me. John would do this all the time to me. I miss John.
I suddenly grew very very tired and I ended up falling asleep on Jeongin's shoulder.
~~the next morning~~
I woke up and looked to my left and found Jeongin sleeping.
My parents didn't come home last night. Strange.
"Seul Bi?" Jeongin woke up.
I couldn't look at him without my cheeks turning red.
"Did you sleep well?" I asked him.
"Very well and you?" He asked.
"Good. Thank you for taking care of me last night." I said.
"Of course. It's what best friends do." He winked at me and I almost lost my shizz.
"I better get going. I have practice with the boys in a little bit." He said. He stood up from the couch and gave me a hug.
He really knows how to make someone feel better.
I watched him walk out the door and then I layed down on the couch and fell back asleep.

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