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Rachel's POV:
Why. Why. Why is this happening? My day was already going really crappy and now I found out that I'm moving to Korea! UGH.
"I HATE EVERYTHING!" I screamed and ran to my room.
How am I going to tell everyone that I'm leaving?
~~~10 min ago~~~
"We're leaving in 3 Days. I already got your transfer papers from school and I updated your passport. Please start packing." My mother said to me.
"Why all of a sudden? What about my friends here? My entire life is here Mom." I said to her.
"Well, honey you'll make new and better friends. And you're going to go to a really nice school." She said trying to calm me down.
"You don't even speak korean! How are you going to live there?!" I screamed.
"Don't raise your voice at me. You should be happy we're moving. It's going to be a fresh new start for us as a family."
"We are NOT a family! Ever since Unnie died, you and dad abandoned me! I was 6 years old Mom! And I had to learn to do everything myself!" I was crying.
"That's why this move is going to be better for us. So we can become a closer family." She was speaking calmly.
"UGH!" I screamed.
~~~real time~~~
I decided to call John.
He immediately picked up.
"John... I need to tell you something and it's not good."
"You're scaring me." He replied.
"I'm...I'm... i'm moving to Korea." My voice trailed off.
"WHAT?!?" He screamed into the phone.
"My dad wants us to move out there with him." Once again, I was crying.
"NO. NO. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING." I could hear his voice start to break up and I could tell he was about to cry.
"John please don't cry. Im leaving in 3 Days and I want to have the best 3 Days with everyone before I leave, ok?" I asked.
"Of course babygirl." He was crying.
"Ok. I'll talk to you later." I said.
"Ok. Love you bye." He blew a kiss into the phone and hung up.
I got my suitcase out of the closet and an old scrapbook fell down with it.
"John and Rachel 4EVER" it read on the cover.
I opened it and I got so many memories. There were picture of us at the park, in the pool, at each other's houses. How am I going to live with out John :(.
After a trip down memory lane, I started to get all of my clothes out of my dresser and closet.
"Ugh I have so much stuff." For once I'm complaining that I have too MUCH stuff.
~~~next day at school~~~
When i got to school the next morning John came up to me and pulled me into his warm embrace.
"Please don't go." He whispered to me.
"I have no choice."
We're down to 2 Days left of my time here in the US.
"Let's just have fun while we can." I smiled at him.
"Ok." He smiled back.
I was walking home and I decided not to tell Franchesca and Bella. I feel bad but at the same time it's just going to be even harder for me to say goodbye to all my friends.

When I got home, I found my JYP card and decided to call the number on the back of it. Jisung's number.
It took him a while to answer.
"Hello?" He responded.
"Hi. Is this Han Jisung?" I asked.
"Yes. May I ask who's speaking?"
"It's the girl you met on the bus the other. The girl you gave your company card too... remember?"
"OH YEAH!!! I was really hoping you'd call." He said.
"Hahaha. So how's it going?" I chuckled.
"It's going pretty well. I'm actually leaving for Korea tomorrow night." He said. He sounded sad.
"Oh... well do you want to meet up before you leave? I hope it's not to straightforward..." I asked him.
"No. No it's not. I'd love to meet up. How about tonight at the bus stop on Melrose Ave." He asked. (A/N a famous street in LA)
"Yeah sure. I'll be there at 7." I smiled really wide.
"Ok. Bye." I could feel his smile through the phone.
He hung up.
At least something good is happening in my life.
It was 4:45pm and I started to dig through what's left in my closet and the boxes of clothes on the floor.
I decided on this.

I'm really excited to see Jisung

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I'm really excited to see Jisung.
"Mom I'm going out. I'll be back before midnight." I told my mom.
"Ok" of course she didn't care.
I walked down my steps and walked toward the bus stop near my house.

I waited for the bus that will take me to Melrose Ave.

The bus came a few min afterwards and I got on and went to the very back.
~~at the Melrose Ave. bus station~~
I got off the bus and Jisung was waiting for me.
"Hey. You look cute. " He said to me. I turned red.
"H...hi." I stuttered and looked at the ground.
"Hey, don't be shy." He lifted up my chin and held my hand. "You don't have to be shy around me." He looked at me.
This is going AMAZINGLY. But I barely know him and he's leaving soon. :(
"I know I barely know you, but I really want to get to know you more." I said to him.
"You have my number. You can always text me and call me." He smiled and moved closer to me.
"But aren't you part an entertainment company? You'll always be busy." I looked down at the ground again.
He lifted my chin and moved even closer so I was looking up at him (he's taller than me so I look up to him)
"I'll always make time for you." He smiled.
I was speechless. I've never had a guy say these words to me before.
I lightly chuckled, "I.. I don't know what to say."
"There's nothing to say." He leaned in closer, slid one hand behind my neck and another his other around my waist, and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. At first it was a slow awkward kiss but then it became real and passionate.
I didn't want this night to end.
He pulled back.
"Does this make us a thing?" He smirked at me.
"I guess it does." I smiled at him.
"I just wish I didn't have to leave so soon." He said sadly.
"Well, I'm actually moving to Korea in two days...." my voice was almost a whisper.
"Wait REALLY?!?" He said.
"Yeah. My dad lives out there and he wants us to move out there with him."
He picked me up and hugged me and spun me around.
"This is amazing! We can be together!" He said excitedly.
"I know. At least something good is coming out of this move." I smiled at him.
"I can't wait for us to be together in Korea." He said
"Me too." I smiled and looked up at him.
He hugged me tightly. And I hugged him back.
We said our "see you soon" because we didn't want to say goodbye, and I waited for my bus to come.

~~at home~~
What a night.
Tonight was literally so amazing.

After I calmed down, I started to pack my bags.


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