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Rachel's POV: 
My mom hailed a cab and we got in.
"Annyeong. Eodiganeungeoya?" The driver asked.
"Busan." I replied and the driver started on his way. We landed at Incheon Airport and we have a 2-2 and a half hour drive to Busan so I decided to put in my earbuds and take a nap.
~~In Busan~~
"Uliga dochaghaessseubnida." The drive woke my mom and I up.
"Gomabseubnida." I thanked the driver and got out of the car.
"Thank god you can speak korean." My mom said.
I just chuckled at her comment.
"Now then. Let me call your father and find out where he is." My Mom started dialing my dad's cell.
The driver dropped us off in front of a bus stop in Busan.
"I'm gonna go look around." I told my mom and walked off.
"Ok I'll text you the address of the house when I find out where it is." My Mom replied.
"Ok." I kept walking, suitcase in hand.
"Korea is so beautiful." I thought to myself. "I need to call SM!" I was practically screaming at myself in my head. I pulled out my wallet and found the company card and dialed the number.
It didn't take long until someone picked up.
"This is SM Entertainment. How can I help you?" A lady was speaking.
"Um hi. I was scouted by Kim Hye Jin back in America and I would look to find out when I could come in to audition." I said
"Let me transfer you to the head of the company. One moment please." The last said and I was out on hold for 30 seconds.
"Hello this is Lee Soo Man. I've been told that your were scouted by one of our secret scouts in America. What is your talent?" He asked.
"Oh um. Hi. I'm Rachel Lee or Lee Seul Bi is my korean name. I am really good at rap and dance." I replied with confidence.
"Alrighty then. How about coming to the company tomorrow for an audition?" He asked me.
"I would like that very much sir. Thank you so much." I said with excitement.
"Come by the company at 2pm. I'll see you then." He replied.
"Yes sir." He hung up.
As I promised, I called Jisung.
'Sorry but the person you are trying to reach is unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message at the tone.. BEEEP."
That's weird. He didn't answer. He's probably busy with his schedule. He'll call when he can.
I didn't worry too much about that.
'Beep beep' My phone buzzed.
"Hey honey. This is the address. "*insert random address,Busan, South Korea.*" (A/N I can't use a real address). "Please come to check it out." My Mom texted.
"Thanks. I'll be there soon." I replied.
I hailed a taxi and told them the address.
~~ at the new home~~
I got out of the car and I was amazed at the size of the house. It was huge!
I walked up the steps to the front door and rang the door bell.
My dad answered and I jumped into his arms and hugged him and cried.
"I missed you so much dad." I said in between sobs.
"I miss you more darling." He said smiling.
"I'm so glad we're back together like this." My mom came and hugged us both.
I finally feel like we're a family again.
"So I have something to tell you both." I wiped my tears.
"What is it baby?" My Mom asked.
"I should've told you sooner but I got scouted at the EXO fanmeet by an SM a out and I have an audition tomorrow at 2!" I smiled really wide.
"Wow that's awesome honey!" My dad said.
"My baby's going to be an idol!" My Mom hugged me. This is the first time my mom has shown me affection since my sister passed.
"Wow. I didn't expect you guys to react like this. I though you would be upset that I didn't tell you guys." I said.
"Of course not baby. If this is what you want to do then we'll make it happen." My dad reassured me.
"Wow thanks dad! I love you." I haven't said that in a while. It felt good.
"We love you too." My mom said.
We broke the hug and went out for some pork belly. Since I've never been to korea, that was the first thing I wanted to do.
~~after dinner~~
My dad showed me my room and it was HUGE. I put my suitcase down and jumped onto the queen sized bed.
WAHHH THIS IS SO COOL!" I said in my head.
I got up and found a large speaker on my new dresser and connected my phone to it and started to play my music. My playlist was on shuffle and Seventeen's Clap started to play and I blasted it.
"BAGSU!! SEVENTEEN RIGHT HERE!" I sang along to the lyrics and my dad walked in. I paused it.
"Am I being too loud?" I asked. "I'm used to being alone in the house so I always blasted music."
"Haha no it's ok honey. I'm going o take your mom around Busan. We'll be back in a couple of hours." My dad said.
"Oh ok. Don't be out too late." I said.
"We won't." He said and closed my door.
I played my music and started singing again.
*rinnnngg* my phone rang
"Jisung <3" it said on my phone.
"Rachel!!" He shouted into the phone. "I'm so so sorry I missed your call earlier. I was practicing with the boys."
"It's ok. Don't worry about it. Well, I'm in Korea!" I said excitedly.
"AHH NO WAY! I wish I could see you right now." He said.
"Well if you're not busy, we could meet up." I told him.
"Good thing I'm not busy then." I could feel his smile through the phone.
"Ok awesome. I don't really know my way around yet so can you come get me? I'll text you my address." I said to him.
"Sure thing babe." He said. I instantly turned bright red.
"Did you just call me babe?" I asked him.
"Yeah. Is that ok?" He asked.
"Umm. Yeah. I like it." I smiled.
"Ok awesome. Text me the address and I'll come pick you up." He said.
"Ok. Byee." I hung and I texted him the address. I looked through my suitcase to find something to wear.
About 30 min, I hear a knock on the door.
I walked up to the door, "Who is it?" I said through the door.
"It's me babe." Jisung said.
I silently squealed. I opened the door and he hugged me.
"I missed you so much." He said
"I missed you too."
"Where are your parents? I want to meet them." He said looking around the house.
"My dad took my mom out for a tour around Busan." I said.
"So you're home alone?" He smirked.
"Yeah." My face started to get hot.
"Do you just want to chill here and watch a movie?" He asked.
"Yeah sure. That's fine with me." I smiled.
He grabbed my hand and we walked to the couch.
"Now we can finally be together." He said and kissed my cheek.
I looked at him and smiled and put my head on his shoulder.
After a few minutes of looking for a movie, we finally picked one.
We picked "The Notebook"
A few minutes into the movie and Jisung looks at me and whispers , "I really really missed you." And his hand started to move from my hand to my cheek and he leaned in for a kiss.
"Is it ok if I do this?" He whispered.
I didn't reply and I just kissed him and pulled back.
"Yes." A small smiled crept on my face.
He leaned back in and kissed me deeply. I kissed him back.
The movie continued to play and we continued to kiss. The kiss was passionate but slow. It lasted for a good 3 minutes and then he pulled off.
"I really like this." He whispered out of breath.
"Me too." And I he went back in.
Now we was laying practically on top of me and one hand was behind my head and the other was gripping my waist.
All of a sudden, I heard the car pull up in the driveway.
I pulled off.
"Jisung. My parents are here." He immediately got off of me, straightened out his clothes and sat back down on the couch looking like nothing had happened. I did the same thing and we continued to watch the movie.
The front door unlocks and my parents walk in.
"We're home!" My dad yelled.
"Hi mom. Hi dad. I'd like you to meet someone." I said and Jisung and I stood up.
"Oh." My dad said
"Annyeonghaseyo! Nae ileum-eun Jiseong-ida." Jisung bowed and introduced himself.
Both my parents bowed.
"Annyeong Jisung."  My Mom said. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Rachel's mother."
"Mom, dad. This is my boyfriend." I smiled.
"Boyfriend?" My dad asked.
"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I met him in LA on my way to the EXO fanmeet." I explained to my parents.
"As long as you guys don't do anything weird, I'm ok with it." My Mom smiled. "How about you honey?"
"I guess I'm ok with it too. Don't let me hear that you hurt my daughter because I will hurt you." My dad said.
"Algessseubnida!" Jisung bowed to my father.
My parents walked into the kitchen leaving us alone.
"I'm so happy my father approves of us." I said to Jisung.
"Me too." Jisung said. "Well I better get going. I have another busy schedule tomorrow."
He kissed my forehead and said goodbye.
Now I can practice for my audition.
I'm going to rap/sing to BTS' Mic Drop.
I'm going to dance to Cactus by A.C.E.
I choose these songs because they are both energetic and fun and I have been practicing these for a really long time.

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