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Triskelion, Fury's office

"And this is how it happened" Agent Simons ended his report, looking straight in the eyes of his superior, Nick Fury.

"And this is how it happened" Agent Simons ended his report, looking straight in the eyes of his superior, Nick Fury

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Fury quickly looked at the report on his computer before gazing back at the agent.

"Your report mentions five symbiotes but only four, according to you, have been destroyed, what happened to the last one?" Fury asked, looking at him.

"I...don't know, Venom reabsorbed the remaining symbiotes but was unable to find the last one with the self-destruct mode activating at that time." Agent Simons replied.

"I will send another team to scout the ruins and haul in Barn's body for study. Your next mission will be to bring back Venom here" Fury ordered.

"By any means, sir?" Simons asked.

"Bring him unharmed, I need to speak with him." Fury answered.

"Yes, sir!!!" Simons said as he left the room.

Fury opened another file on his computer including photos from Venom and Peter Parker.

"I can no longer pretend to ignore you Parker, not with that damned symbiote of yours..." Fury whispered to himself.

Fury turned his chair and glanced at the window, preparing himself for the headaches a meeting with Peter Parker, formerly Spider-man would bring.


"Another slice of meat loaf Petey? May asked, looking at both his nephew and his wife Mary-Jane.

She had been worried when Peter had replied to her lunch invitation but had warned her of some "changes" in him

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She had been worried when Peter had replied to her lunch invitation but had warned her of some "changes" in him. You can imagine her surprise at her nephew's new body size and at his shorter haircut that made him (in her opinion) look like a thug.

Fortunately Peter didn't seem to have changed inwardly and that brought her, at least, some relief.

"No thanks, Aunt May, I'm full" Peter said, having eaten almost half of the dish.

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