Chapter 7: Tutoring would suck, if if wasn't for free pizza.

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A/N: This update is dedicated to Ccat1028 thanks for the support, comments, vote and reads! Xxx

Alexis's POV

"Wait.. so the gradient is basically the slope, right?"

I give a small shake of my head, as he scratches his in turn and looks at me expectantly.

Sighing, I start to explain it. "The gradient is the direction to move from a current location, such as move up, down, left or right."

"That sounds like you recited it from a f*cking University text book!" Damon exclaims.

"Shut the f*ck up, she's trying to help us, dumba**!"

"Woah, okay.. calm your farm everyone."

They both stop their arguing and turn to face me.

"Calm your farm?" Kurt asks.

"Seriously?" Damon sniggers.

I wipe my right hand across my face and groan.

Of course they burst out laughing!

Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms in front of my chest and tap my foot, impatiently waiting for them to stop.

"Okay, I think I'm good now," Kurt says in a serious tone.

My face lights up for a brief second before he burst out laughing again, Damon wheezing at his side.


"Guys! Do you wanna learn how to pass Mathematic Methods or not??"

Kurt scoffs.

Damon fake gags.

I roll my eyes. Yet again.

"Alright, listen. If both of you get the next question right, 100 per cent correct, you get free pizza tonight."

They both perk up at the word pizza.

"Pizza?" Kurt asks.

"Pizza," I answer.

"Free?" Damon asks.

"Free," I confirm.

"DEAL!" they both shout.

I turn around and grab the text book I'd been saving for a proper pop quiz. Flicking through the pages, I finally find a chapter that seems to be just a bit harder than what I've taught them so far.

"You have ten minutes," I tell them, spreading the book across their shared study desk and pointing to Question 5 b).

They silently nod and focus their attention on the page.

I stand back and watch as they start.

Kurt picks up his pencil and starts chewing on the end, his leg fidgeting as he reads the question.

Damon blows his red dyed hair out of his eyes and catches me staring. He gives me a quick smirk then turns back to the book.

I quickly check my phone. Eight more minutes to go.

Kurt's taken off his leather jacket and leans back in his office chair, spinning it just for the heck of it.

"Kurt," I hissed.

He looks at me with innocent eyes and holds his lined paper up for me to see. There are scribbles everywhere, eraser marks here and there. But I can clearly see his working out and final answer.

I snatch it from him and look closer.

"Lexxxxx," Damon whines.


"I need help," he huffs.



I drop the paper and glare at him. "Don't. Call me that."

Damon instantly notices my change in mood and gets up, saying, "I'm sorry! Please, I just need your help."

I look at my phone again. Four more minutes and a half.

Kurt meets my gaze and raises his eyebrow, as if asking You okay?

I nod.

"Alexis?" Damon hesitantly asks.

"Sit down," I sigh.


"Noooo... you're only allowed one pizza topping!" Damon whines.

"You chose supreme meat lovers!"


"So! That's like 100 toppings in one!"



"Fight me!" Damon exclaims.

"Sorry I don't pick fights with dimwits," Kurt yawns and I stifle a laugh.

"What did you just call me??" Damon growls.

"Easy, tiger," I snigger.

He turns around and repeats, "What did you just call me??"

I'm about to retort when one of the staff comes over, saying, "I'm sorry, guys, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave due to the noise level."

With a snort, Kurt gets up with Damon following, still muttering under his breath as I pick up my bag and walk out with them.

The short walk home was silent, I could tell the boys were thinking about something.

I decide to interrupt those thoughts.

I click my fingers in front of Kurt's face and coo, "Helloooooo! Anyone there??"

Kurt's POV

I suddenly blink my eyes open and curse. "What the fuck?!"

She quickly slaps me on the arm and Damon sniggers.

"What are you two thinking about?" Lex asks us.

"Just about how Axel will kill us if we don't - " Damon rambles before I punch him on the arm.

"Ow!" he yelps.

"What was that?" Lex asks again, her eyebrows raised and the curiosity evident in her voice.

"Nothing," I quickly reply. "Oh, look, we're at your place now. See ya Lex!"

"Wait -"

Damon stupidly blows her a kiss and I shove him into the back of my car, without sparing Lex a glance.

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